Rita Vecchiattini
Dipartimento di Scienze per l’Architettura, Genova,
Europe has become an obligatory reference for our country and for all Member States.
The field of restoration has been for a long time on the borders of the interest of the European Community seeming rather a peculiarity that individual countries could manage on their own. The history and different approach to the subject have therefore led to have different laws on the restoration and preservation that sometimes highlight legal gaps. However, when the conservation came into conflict with the protection of the safety and welfare of consumers and operators, the need has arisen to fill in the gaps and form a common legislative foundation at European level, even in the context of the restoration.
For years, the regulatory aspect has been ignored by the field of restoration, although many times have arisen in the debate inside the discipline, issues that could lead to standards if not, at least to the agreements, protocols and management methods. The restoration has lost the opportunity to govern or at least partially affect the rules by which we must inevitably confront today and that often we suffer without being fully aware of the implications and outcomes.
It therefore seems clear the danger to which we encounter: the normalization process goes quickly and inevitably on, or we can take charge of this responsibility, being an active part of the transaction, or we can not have any effect on the future of restoration and will suffer the consequences of standards specified without any concern for the specific conservation issues.
Parole chiave/Key-words: European standards, CEN, standardization, restoration