Marzia Cicala1, Angelica Ferraris2, Andrea Sartini3



1 Architetto, Sanremo, cicala marzia@libero.it

2 Architetto, Santa Margherita Ligure, angy.ferraris@gmail.com

3 Architetto, Genova, andre.sartini@libero.it



The Object of the work described in the proposed article it’s Villa Cavagnari in Cicagna (GE), a nineteenth-century Ligurian Villa, subject to constraint of protection.

For this building the Superintendent asked for a project leaning on the maximum preservation and on that demand has been set a rigorous thesis of restoration (Slate Museum- Restoration and organization of the museal spaces of Villa Cavagnari in Cicagna; M. Cicala, A. Ferraris, A. Sartini. Supervisor: Prof. D. Pittaluga. AA2011-2012).

The approach to sustainability also relates to the use of this building, considering its change of use from residential/offices to Slate Museum. It has been a productive comparison with an interdisciplinary method of work pertinent to restoration, to the sustainability of the interventions and to engineering and architectural planning.

The logic was the one of minimal intervention in order to cause the least damage to the work.

The greatest difficulty, for the consolidation of the floors, has been to identify the least invasive method and the most reversible one. In order to obtain informations about the real bearing capacity of the wooden floors, we have made a series of diagnostic and instrumental tests, according to the EXPERIMENTAL METHOD APPROVED BY THE EUROPEAN MEMBER APPROVAL OF UNI EN STANDARDS.

From the diagnostic tests performed, it was possible to draw up a non invasive consolidation plan of the floors, for their conservation and for the decorations.

The basis of the concept of DYNAMIC SLATE MUSEUM is sustainability understood as use. This museum is an exposure for the knowledge of slate and for the Val Fontanabuona territories, a place inextricably linked to such material and without appreciable museum offers.

The thesis has also considered a proposal to Metaproject, about a versatile and respectful museum exhibition of the existing and with considerable visual effects.

The new elements for accessibility in the structure have been considered as a design inspiration in order to create architectural not permanent elements, in harmony with the contest, with both function of recall for the museum and as exhibition elements itselves.

It has seemed interesting to find out directions for a conscious and innovative management of heritage buildings, through a careful analysis based on the life cycle of the building, its maintenance and costs over time, with particular attention to the future prospects of its sustainability.


Parole chiave/Key-words: accessibility, structures, preservation, diagnosis, Villa.