MATERIALI METALLICI E ARCHITETTURA ANTICA: da presidio STatico A struttura protettiva



Federica Gotta

Politecnico di Bari, DICAR department, Specialized Architect in architectural and landscape heritage, Ph. D. Student,







Metal elements have been applied, in constructing field, since the first formulation of the monumental Hellenic architecture, leading to structural employment more and more complex during the Roman period. The role of metal as device of security for the wall has hidden metal employment inside the construction since ever. The collapse of the cultural system that created such kind of architectural results has led to the progressive decline of the structures and to the steady removal of the original metal materials, whose recovery has been the first done although the stone elements for a next remelting.

At the beginning of the so called “archaeological restoration”, the original static system of the structures was not adjusted, but the role of the metal elements has deeply changed; in fact they were used as a “visible” static device. The intervention, useful for the balance of the structure, changed deeply the imagine of the monument and created problems linked to the degeneration of the metals under the action of the atmospheric agent.

The catastrophic results of the later interventions made with detrimental alterations of the original static systems have led to a recent return to the original device, while the modern necessity of musealization of the archaeological artifacts has promoted new forms of coexistence with metal structures, that is the most suitable material for its requirements of resistance, lightness and reversibility.





Parole chiave/Key-words:

Ancient Architecture, Anchoring, Archaeological Restoration, Metal Shells

