Carla Bartolomucci Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche -Istituto per le Tecnologie della Costruzione CNR-ITC, via G. Carducci 32 - 67100 L’Aquila,
The paper is a reflection on restoration in Abruzzo, by starting from the clamorous stop of restoration works in Santa Maria di Collemaggio (1972) and continuing with the subsequent restorations and with the current reconstruction after the earthquake of 2009. Some elements of continuity with the previous restoration are highlighted and also the consecutive orientations influenced by the dramatic experience; the aim is to reflect on which are today the “orthodox” approaches and which those that are configured as” heretics.” Actually the practice is clearly addressed by the premises that guide the interventions, if the purpose is the preservation of a “material evidence which has a value of culture” (definition of the Franceschini Commission in 1967) or the simple re-use of an historic building. Nowadays the seismic reconstruction is guided by such laws that give exclusive priority to recovering the functionality of the buildings damaged, while the cultural issue of restoration appears misunderstood and generally confined to the decorative conservation. One of the consequences of this approach is the inappropriate attention given to the historical architecture authenticity, mainly in reference with those buildings not subjected to safeguard, that can be demolished and rebuilt because of economic benefit criteria. Little consideration is also given to monumental buildings as regards the conservation of architectural surfaces, with the renewal of plasters, which seems to be inappropriate both from the historical point of view and the aesthetic one. It seems to exist an approach aimed to the preservation of form, rather than substance; this could be consequence of the enlarged protection on the “intangible aspects” of Cultural Heritage, of which a negative aspect might be deflecting attention from the concrete matter of restoration. Parole chiave/Key-words: Restoration History, Seismic Reconstruction,
Collemaggio, Authenticity, Documentation.