-anno 1997-
Aspetti teorici ed operativi"



T. Carunchio

"La lacuna fra 'intero' e 'totale'"

The object of this theoretical essay consists in giving a demonstration about the impossibility of a theoretical definition of LACUNA considering several examples taken in Archaeology and Modern and Contemporary Architecture, and taking the Cesare Brandi’s Teoria del Restauro as a starting-point.


The concepts of ’WHOLE’ and ’TOTAL’ are extended to restoration items in order to show the difficulties concerning the restoration of ancient architectures in favour of their much proper conservation.

Key words: Lacuna, Intero, Totale, Architettura.


S. Musso

"Lacune esistenti e indotte: effimere, durature e irruducibili."

Il termine lacune rimanda, nel senso comune e nell’uso che se ne è fatto sino ad ora, all’idea di mancanza o di assenza, con una singolare mutazione di senso dall’etimo originario (lacus =lago, laguna) che a tutto fa pensare fuprchè ad un vuoto insignificante. Alla stessa radice etimologica possono essere riferiti i lacunari che certo vuoti non sono ed anzi, a differenza dei semplici cassettoni, rappresentano uno sfondato ricco di decorazioni (ovvero di significati e di immagine) voluto e progettato per alleggerrire la strutura di solai e volte. Richiamare l’etimo è dunque solo un pretesto che spinge a superare i significati dati per acquisiti, le definizioni ritenute certe e consolidate. Anzitutto, l’assenza (cui la parola sembra rimandare) è fenomeno dai contorni labili e contraddittori rispetto alla materia, alla forma e alla scala dei manufatti, ma anche all’estensione della presunta mancanza rispetto al contesto e, soprattutto, al sistema di valori (tutt’altro che stabile e assoluto) che in ogni epoca o luogo concorre a stabilirne l’effettivo significato. Occorre inoltre capire perchè, e se sia lecito, definire lacuna una parte crollata o ammalorata di un’architettura posto che, là ove il concetto ha conosciuto la sua più ampia elaborazione, da esso è anche nata una teoria per il suo trattamento. La relazione propone quindi alcune riflessioni sul senso dell’idea di lacuna in architettura, anche in riferimento alla "capacità che il restauro ha di "provocare lacune" prima ancora di intervenire su quelle esistenti.

Key words: Lacuna - vuoto – assenza - degrado - restauro - Conservazione - integrazione


L. Scazzosi

"La lacuna nelle architetture vegetali: problemi teorici e operativi"

The conservation and restoration project of historic gardens and landscapes must often resolve the problem of "lacuna", like for others historic monuments constructed by stone, wood, brick. The solutions can be very different. "conservation, restoration, reconstruction". Historic gardens restoration Charters (Florence 1981, the first signed by lcomos/lfla and other by Italy and Spain) are important for understanding these differences, also in the ordinary maintenance of gardens. We make examples of "lacuna" solutions in some cases of gardens in Italy and abroad. The experience of gardens and landscapes is important also for buildings, because what takes a long time in stone, occur very quickly in vegetation.

Key-words: conservation, restoration, reconstruction, maintenance; historic gardens,


M. Manzelle

"Edifici senza funzione, forme senza uso: Lacune dell'architettura?"

The point in question is the relationship between function and form; in which way during the years the evolution occurs and therefore which is the role of the function in the life of an architectural form. The prominent question is to understand if the architectural space loses part of its significance when disused. If this is the case the lost of function has to be considered a lacuna in architecture.

Key words: lacune – use- function - users


S. Gizzi

"Può la lacuna avere una propria dignità di esistere, (quando la lacuna non deve essere reintegrata)."

Non disponibile


L. Rinaldi

"Teoria della conservazione e trattamento delle Lacune."

The following report deals with the different approaches to the problem of reintegration of losses (lacunae) within the actual theoretical debate on architectonic restoration.

The Brandi’s "Theory", with its philological and broad view of the problem of treating tosses, is generally strictly applied, but many attitudes during these last years have opposed, in Italy too, different principles, especially in archaeological and architectonic restoration.

A different and more comprehensive approach, according to a conservative point of view, could ensure a greater independence in the treatment of losses, so that to allow mimetic or analogic reintegration. That could be possible however only in reintegration of lost parts, not in substitution of existing elements -even though they replace original or documented pattern- stratified on the building as traces of time, whose conservation is an unavoidable task.


L. Accurti

"Questioni di Principio o problemi di merito."

The present script displays an overview on the current debact on conservation, spec both methodological and giuridical aspects, in order to outline some main trends.

Steady conceptual basis and strong guiding principles still seem to be missing, and what s worse instructions given by the Restoration Papers haven’t found yet a translation into specific giuridical terms. Another unsolved question deals with methodological unity, which founds many supporters, but hasn’t been defined in principles yet. Obstacles could be matched with by introducing as instrument, processuality, able to define the sequence of practical phases in the conservative process instead of informing it in a "a priori" series of conceptual principles. Last but not least, a big difficulty in finding a general agreement lies in the absence of a commonly-shared terminological meaning; that justified a research on some basical moments of the development of lessical and conceptual meanings of terms like maintainence, restoration, conservation,


G.P. Treccani

"'Risarcimento della lacuna' o pratiche del rattoppo?"

The word "lacuna", which helps to create the idea of his "compensation", following a path of modernisation about aesthetic perception and also overvalueing the objective peculiarity of our thought, has been recently included in the restorer unsteady lexicon. As we have always aknowledged and defined just what we need, so "lacuna" and "compensation" become misunderstood expressions lacking in the history homologous terms. Instead the most appropriate relationship, the nearest to the semantic field where the concepts that we handle are grown or just where we have perceived them, is the "buco" ("hole") and, "rattoppo ("patch.") binomial. This binomial infer to the pre-technologic universe of objects made by the human race (from clothing to tools) in which is obviously included the architecture and also enhanges the need of facing the, , problem just starting from the use (re-use) motivation

Key-Word: lacuna, hole, patch, reuse.


B.P. Torsello

"Lacune: testo, pretesto."

La lacuna in architettura è problema nodale che chiama in causa, oltre alle diverse tesi sulla conservazione materiale dell’opera, anche - e forse prima di tutto - le teorie del progetto e della composizione architettonica., La cultura progettuale contemporanea, infatti, reclama il diritto di sottoporre anche l’opera Storica alle istanze della "attualizzazione", in nome di una inarrestabile legge del divenire alla quale l’architettura del passato non può sottrarsi, cosi come non si è mai storicamente sottratta. Il problema che si pone, tuttavia è quello di verificare l’attuale condizione della cultura progettuale, per accertarne gli orientamenti, gli obiettivi e i mezzi. Il suo "diritto" alla ri-progettazione del passato è messo in discussione da una lettura delle radici culturali da cui hanno origine lo stesso Movimento Moderno e le più recenti esperienze architettoniche.

Parole chiave: lacuna, progetto, produzione.


L. Napoleone

"Lacuna: mancanza o disvelamento?"

In architettura la lacuna non è in grado di provocare quel vuoto a cui il termine sembrerebbe alludere in quanto nella sostanza essa si mostra come una sovrapposizione di infiniti testi (un livre de pierre) in cui sono raccontate storie diverse con parole e stili diversi, capitoli che spesso si intrecciano fondendosi l’un l’altro e solo talvolta si rendono palesi attraverso una breccia nell’ultimo testo, l’unico leggibile, che nasconde tutti gli altri. La lacuna in questo caso lungi dal manifestare un vuoto disvela una parola, una piccola frase di un diverso racconto che quella architettura custodisce. A volte questo disvelamento provoca una sorta di rovesciamento di fronte: allora lacuna diventa ciò che fino a poco prima appariva completo e quella breccia diviene punto di partenza per la ricostruzione di ciò che neppure si supponeva. Altre volte, se la curiosità per questa sovrapposizione prende il sopravvento e diventa essa stessa valore che scalza quello dell’unità di immagine, ecco il restauratore trasformarsi in creatore di lacune nel tentativo di rendere presenti contemporaneamente tutti i secoli trascorsi sull’edificio eliminando la loro distanza temporale. Immediatamente si rende evidente il fatto che questi atteggiamenti dipendono da un fattore rappresentato non dalla lacuna stessa. ma da una variabile creata dai temi della temporalità e della verità, in sostanza, dall’atteggiamento verso la storia di chi agisce sulla preesistenza.

Keywords: ’Truth, authenticity, completeness, to unveil


M. Corradi

"Considerazioni critiche sul ruolo della scienza del costruire nella 'reintegrazione delle lacune' nelle costruzioni in muratura."

The subject of the "restoration of gaps", undoubtedly a vexata quaestio as far as restoration and conservation work is concerned, takes on great significance when static restoration and structural strengthening work is involved. The use of materials, technology and construction techniques in general that are not always compatible with the structures and materials found in ancient buildings or in "archeological ruins" assumes the use or adaptation of theories, methods and tools of calculation that have descended essentially from the application of the elastic theory which, starting in the middle of the 19th century, established the mechanics of solids and structures on a "sure" and "strict" foundation. On the other hand, however, it was precisely the "generalised" application of elastic theory that revealed huge interpretational gaps in understanding the mechanical behaviour of ancient buildings, most of which were done in masonry. In light of these interpretational "uncertainties", it is thus essential to reflect on and then seek new research methods that will make it possible to reinterpret the mechanical behaviour of materials and structures in a broad sense, or in other words to "redefine" the statics of constructions through new tools that draw on the history of the science and technique of construction and that are also capable of shedding some light on the idee constructive and the structural concept of architecture. In this sense, the intention of these paper is to offer a small contribution to the subject of identifying the role of the scienza del costruire in restoration of gaps.

Key words Art and Science of Buildings, Mechanics, Structural Analysis, Structural Repair and Maintenance.


M. Boriani, S. Bortolotto, C. Icardi

"Utilizzo comparato delle tecniche archeometriche: proposta metodologica per l'individuazione delle lacune e per il loro trattamento nel progetto di conservazione. Il caso studio di S. Bernardino alle Monache (MI)."

This report is aimed to give a sample for a methodology, for a compared use of the visual archeometric and no-destructive techniques, in order to find "lacking-parts" in a historic building. Object of this report is the church of S.Bernardino alle Monache. in Milano. Our contribution is focused on the theoretical discussion about the creation of a new transdisciplinare language. "Words and ideas" support new methods for an achaeological knowledge that are necessary for a more appropriate dealing with lackings in buildings and, generally speaking, with conservation itself.

Key words: archaeology, diagnosis, conservation, S.Bermardino alle Monache, church.


P. Di Nola

"Lacune e processi tipologici: il problema del recupero dell'immagine di un programma architettonico nella scuola per contadini di Colle di Fuori (Rocca Priora - Prov. Roma)."

The Colle di Fuori School for Farmers has arisen as first experience in a cultural ambience strongly characterised from its social values.

It represents the realisation of the principles established by Morris’ socialism, influenced by the "programme for architecture" of the ARBEISTRAT FUR KUNST", and functionally defined through the ideas of H. Van de VELDE on how architecture can influence our state of mind.

It was developed in Italy by a group of intellectuals and artists, that also went through the socialist experience of Turin By starting the Colle di Fuori School of Farmers they put into practice their own ideas also finding an optimal solution to the problem surrounding the definition of a school structure (because of the Unity of Italy, compulsory school, inadequate State funding, conditions of rural life).

The school’s interior was designed by DUILIO CAMBELLOTTI, who found an ideal support in its white Walls intended ad didactic surface . The work was accomplished with attention and coherence.

Nowadays the remains of the School are strongly characterised by lacunas of decoratives elements that were assigned to a Museum some time ago.

Being the restoration of the building imminent and being building itself the most signifying element, because of its particular type, it’s necessary to recuperate and reinstate the lacunas so that the message and the experience that this building represents can be renewed. This is a case where the reintegration of lacunas is the only possibility in order to guarantee the entity of a masterpiece that otherwise would be denied

Key Word: School for Farmers - Colle di Fuori


G. Morganti

"Verde e Ruine. Origini e applicazioni dell'uso di elementi vegetali nel restauro di antichità come caso specifico di integrazione delle lacune."

Ruins and vegetation: common images, deriving from the course of the Nature. The result of these images in aesthetics and art history is the spontaneous association of natural elements with the ruins in the iconography and in its theoretical idea. In this meaning (and one can verify it looking at the images of ruins in the history of art and literature) the association of vegetation with archaeological remains obtains symbolic and conceptual significance. In this way the vegetation has become one of the elements specifically appropriate to the restoration of ancient monuments. Vegetation has specially used to rebuild the mental image and the original state of ruins. After the early experiences in Rome with the Napoleon’s Governement urban plans, Giacomo Boni was the first who said that the vegetation can bring back to memory the former lines and profiles of architecture. Afterwards Antonio Muñoz brought this method to its fullest applications, by an abundant use of vegetable elements in the restoration of arehaeologicnl monuments and areas. The analysis of vegetation characteristics bring to mind the use of vegetable elements is in contrast to the goals of lacunae integration. This contrast is recognised because of the tendencies of natural elements. These elements, in fact, are inclined to evade the rules that man want to impose on it, taking a leading role in resulting aesthetics and threatening the conservation and the correct interpretation of historical ruins

KEY WORDS: Rovina, rudere, vegetazione, natura, restauro, reintegrazione, immagine.


V. Proietti

"L'intervento del primo novecento sui giardini segreti e sul palazzo della Villa Borghese a Roma: una lacuna operata dall'uomo che ha disarticolato l'immagine architettonica."

The partial demolition of enclosures of villa Borghese’s "giardini segreti", replaced with railings, destroyed in the 1938, offers the opportunity to debate on idea of architectural "lacuna" and to find the best solution for the restoration of the "giardini", planed from the Comune di Roma contemporaneously at the reopening of the Galleria Borghese and the Giubileo. In this case the "lacuna" is a result of human project, which has deprived of meaning the architectural whole, composed of the "Casino Borghese" and the three "giardini segreti": the "ripristino" of the enclosures represents the recovery of the central "idea" of the villa Borghese.

Key words: Villa Borghese -. Galleria Borghese – giardini segreti - "Ripristino" - Enclosures – Demolition


E. Petrucci

"Metodi operativi ed aspetti teorici nelle integrazioni murarie: il caso del S. Gregorio Magno ad Ascoli Piceno."

It is interesting to study the history of the Church of S.Gregorio Magno in Ascoli Piceno in order to understand the contradiction between theory and practice that inevitable arises before any restoration work. The purpose of this paper is to reconstruct the restoration history, starting from the second half of the 19th Century. Such a study can be interesting to help us to make out restoration works of the past and it can also be useful to establish the future way in which the church can be restored. The Roman and Romanesque structure of the Church coexist in an amazing equilibrium, thanks to the employment of travertine, that has been used in different ways, according to changing techniques, between the Roman and the Medieval age. This feature is emphasised by the walls of the church that more than once have been restored using different methods, This is one of the few monuments in Italy in which, inside the Medieval Church, the antique skeletron of the Roman temple and the two columns of the pronao are still preserved. Unfortunately a great part of the monument that we can see today is not authentic and this is due to the various restoration works that have modified the original structure. The church is today a mixture of different operations that lie on top of each other, over the originals structure, the restoration works have different aesthetic value and different motives have inspired their realization. For this reason it is very interesting to try to understand the motives that inspired these various works.

Key words: Reintegration - Lacunas – Ancient Stone Walls


A. Becchi

"Lacune e integrazione statico-strutturale del costruito."

The firmitas and in-firmitas of the building, something that is missing and the desire to remedy this, to bring thc original - or what is thought to be the original - perception of the architectural organism back to life, are aspects that confront the so-called technical/structural components of architecture. Indeed, the dilemma of static safety is one of the problems that is hardest to avoid or underestimate. The structural expert must conduct astute research into the diverse cases of these gaps, identifying the causes behind the instability and assessing their potential future consequences. This task cannot be accomplished in a completely independent way because it involves highly differentiated skills that must struggle to find any common grounds of understanding.

Keywords Art and Science of Buildings, Structural Analysis, Structural Repair and Maintenance.


M.L. Conforto

"Una lacuna urbana nel centro di Roma e le antiche strutture della Crypta Balbi."

The relationship between architecture and archaeology represents one of the most potent design themes, certainly intrinsic within the city of Rome, evident in its phisical and historical structure and unique to a city where archaeological remains coexist together with the contemporary metropolis. While the resolution of the Archaeological Park requires large investiments and a clear political vision, the resolution of the small scale archaeological sites within the urban fabric represents a problem of immediate necessity and public decor. The Crypta Balbi in the centre of Rome represents one of the latter conditions and needs to be addressed not only as an archaeological site but mostly as an open urban "hole" in a state of embarrassing decay.

KEY WORDS: conservation, integration, urban rehabilitation.


D. Pittaluga

"Interventi di restauro in Liguria: una lettura condotta tra gli assunti teorici e la prassi dei cantieri."


This work investigates how "gaps" are dealt with in restoration examples in Genova and Liguria between XIX and XX century. The questions are: what was considered to be the meaning of the gap itself? what was the gap treatment? which were the actual operating limits? how materials were chosen? what studies were behind these choices’? how important was the influence of the client? was there a difference between public and private clients? These topics were investigated by means of an accurate comparison between what the documents said and what was found out on the field. Both large important monuments (Palazzo S. Giorgio, Porta Soprana and Palazzo Ducale in Genova, Palazzo Vecchio in Albenga) and minor buildings were considered; some examples were in private propriety, others in public buildings. A new insight was found on the action of important restoration architects like Alfredo D’Andrade, Gaetano Poggi, Orlando Grosso and how they applied in practice their restoration principles.

KEY WORDS: Restoration, gap, archaeological study, materials, document sources


V. Dal Piaz, E. Pietrogrande

"Lacune in architettura a Padova."

The authors wish to propose a review of architectural interventions refering to works or projects that have conserned the city of Padua, briefly illustrating the main points of the methodological indications as they are proposed by the documents produced refering to interventions on buildings of architectural importance (Istruzioni per il restauro dei monumenti 1938, Carta del restauro 1972, Carta della conservazione e del restrauro e degli oggetti d’arte e di cultura 1987, Carta per la salvaguardia delle città storiche 1987, etc.).

The authors will present some projects that have been carried out or have been only proposed during this century in parallel to the culture and methods of restoration in force at that time, but without pretending to theorise or to give exhaustive considerations. Hence it will be a path through the emblematic solutions OY8f the years, with the singolarity of the cases and elements for reflection on general themes. The following cases will be among the episodes to be considered: the Torre del Palazzo del Bo, the Avancorpo dei Museo, Daniele Calabi’s intervention in Via Vescovado.

KEY WORDS: Padua, architectural interventions, emblematic solutions, restoration.


M. Guccione, A.P. Recchia

"Lacune in architettura: il caso degli interventi sull'edilizia monumentale fortemente danneggiata da un intervento sismico."

Non disponibile


M.G.Vinardi, L.Re

"L'architettura e la chiassilerie."

Here are considered the relationship between the definition and the age of the building and those of its doors, windows, shutters; and in particular practical and theoretical problems connected to the restoration and integration and the return of functionality of these. After a general introduction, there follows its exemplification referred to the site of Venaria Reale sabaudian Castle, currently being seriously restored.


M. Civita, A. Pepe

"La cattedrale di Altamura. Una lacuna della memoria."

A lack can be considered as an interruption in the stream of the memory; in regard to time, such a breaking off can depend on the loss of documents, or carelessness, or on deep - rooted prejudices, which mislead by the historic route.

In regard to space, such a lack means loss of some pieces of moulded material, or its removal and moving forwards other different sites.

In the case of Altamura’s Cathedral, the traces, which arc left on the material of the building and are connected with the defects of the structure ( this latter to be considered as connection among elements of historically and traditionally moulded spaces ), tie the links among the most significant vicessitudes in the metamorphosis of the monument again.

Key words: Altamura, portal, façade.


A. Almagro, I. Arce, J. A. Fernàndez

"Reintegraciòn y anastylosis en el proyecto de restauraciòn. Dos ejemplos en Jordania."

the aim of this paper /s the discussion of the criteria applied in two restoration projects in Jordan: the Ummayad Palace of Amman and the Ummayad Baths of Qusayr ’Amra. These projects present a great variety of case studies due to its nature, tipology and degree of conservation. Our proposal entails the enlargement of the concept of "lacunae" to other contextual and environmental factors actually lost, that are essential to recover the integrity of the architectural monument. We also present a sample of virtual reconstruction by means of computer generated images, that enable us on one hand, to evaluate previously the results of the intervention, and on the other one, allow the visitors to understand the remains and identify their cultural values without trespassing the limits to the restoration established by evidence and common sense.

Key words. anastylosis, computer generated images, conservation, context, environment, Jordan, presentation to the visitor, restoration.


C. Bertolini, L. Ingaramo, N. Macchioni

"Le "Lacune" egli elementi dell'architettura in legno: quale diagnosi? Quali interventi?"

Made of biological material, whose substances are almost exclusively organic, ancient timber structures may conceal, in their structural elements and joints, cavities, breaks, and disconnections of different origin and intensity; the so-called "gaps". Their presence in hidden or partially hidden sections is a recurring problem in the analysis of the material s state of preservation, preliminary to structural testing. Adequate inspections and diagnostic surveys are necessary to identify cavities in the frames and connections and their causes, to establish their effect on the mechanical characteristics of the structural timber elements and to evaluate the bearing capacity of the structures to which they belong.

The paper provides a sorting of the data collected from an extensive number of case reports regarding in situ non-destructive tests on ancient timber structures such as floors and roofing:

visual inspections (Ist level test) on the "gaps" of timber structures of floors and roofing;

2nd level tests (e.g.: using endoscopic, densitometric and ultrasound equipment);

evaluation of the interaction between the "gap" and the frame’s strength;

corrective techniques to integrate existing "gaps";

evaluation of the congruity/compatibility between the wooden material and the new materials used for "gap" integration,

Key words: Timber structures, non destructive test, ultrasound survey, diagnostic survery, densitometric methods.


A. Sansonetti, A. Pasetti, L. Trivella

"Una proposta per una metodologia di monitoraggio degli interventi di integrazione delle lacune."

Checking conservation works in situ on a monumental building is more and more important.

This paper proposes a method to check and monitor lacunae integrations.

As a first step a complete knowledge about chemical and physical characteristics of the material to integrate is carried out. The mortar to fill the lacuna is chosen as to these features. This step is carried out with laboratory diagnostics.

Once the mortar has been applied on the lacuna, it will be necessary to monitor its performances with a field diagnostic which use non destructive testing. The most important characteristics to check are:

1 Chromatic characteristics

2 Surface morphology

3 Water absorption by capillarity

4 Movements respect to surrounding material

5 Mechanical characteristics

Key words: Integration, lacunae, monitor, mortars


A. Salvatori, A. Ceradini

"Metodologie di indagine e di intervento sulle lacune strutturali nei centri storici dell'Abruzzo Aquilano."

Aim of this work is to apply reconstruction techniques, developed for sample towns (S,Stefano di Sessanio, Castel del Monte, Navelli) in Abruzzo, to several neigh bouring historical centers. These towns are homogenous ones as for historical evolution, building features and structural typologies, so it is possible to verify the adaptability of the restoration and the repair technology of masonry buildings. By the exact knowledge of the masonry building statics and seismic dynamics of buildings located in the three towns under control, it is possible to develope the simulation of a structural repair project according to the index devised in the sample town, with particular reference to masonry arches and vaults, which role is fundamental to define an exact behaviour of structural groups of buildings. By applying the restoration techniques in the neighbouring historical centers it is possible to obtain a powerful tool that permits to study the static and seismic behaviour of masonry buildings, and the relative repair techniques, in a larger area of Abruzzo.

Key words: Seismic vulnerability, Repair techniques, Masonry buildings, Stone arches.


A. Surace, L. Folli, R. Bugini

"Il trattamento delle lacune negli edifici del Castrum Longobardo di Castelseprio."

The fortress of Castelseprio was destroyed in 1287 and never reconstructed. Remains of religious and civil buildings and of city walls still stand, today.

First excavation starts in early 50s by removal of vegetation which covers the remains. Lacunae in building walls threatened their stability. An integration was made using cobbles and stones laying along the walls and a mortar of lime or Portland cement and sand. The integration is pointed out by a row of brick fragments. Recent works on Edificio VI (unearthed in 1985/88) avoid any kind. of integration by fixing the cobbles using a mortar with lime, sand and acrylic resin. A description of works made on each building is reported together with an analysis of used materials.

KEY WORDS: archaeology, lacuna, integration, wall, excavation

PAROLE CHIAVE: archeologia, lacuna, integrazione, muratura, scavo


S. Boscarino, M.R. Vitale

"Reintegrazione delle lacune e conservazione della memoria storica. Esempi di un intervento in Francia e Spagna."

Discussing the problem of lacunas reintegration in architecture, especially in case of wide losses, involves the theme of projecting additions in historical buildings. Heated debates about recent episodes of destruction or collapse of precious architectures of the past attest that, when the problems of addition on historical building are discussed, a diffuse empiricism directs the choices sometimes towards stylistic restorations, sometimes towards mimetic renovations, sometimes towards neutral forms. These attitudes reveal a persistent refusal rising towards contemporary architecture and modern languages. So it is evident that, in times in which theories vary from stylistic restoration to integral conservation, talking about lacunas reintegration means to provide a key for the interpretation of History. The restoration works here shown (Church of Notre-Dame in Saint-Lô, Abbatial Church of Toussaint in Angers, Church of S. Juan in Daroca, Church of S. Cruz in Medina de Rioseco) are joint by the common acknowledgement of historical value to the lacunose condition of buildings and by the consideration of the reintegration work as the result of a critical process that can never renounce the conservation of a memory that breaks through even with up to date meanings.


KEY-WORDS Conservation, lacuna, reintegration, restoration, memory, history, project.


E. Zendri, G. Biscontin, G. Driussi

"La compatibilità negli interventi di restauro: alcune considerazioni su possibili parametri indicativi."

Viene discussa l’importanza della compatibilità tra materiali nelle operazioni di integrazione, con particolare riferimento alle malte ed intonaci nelle murature.

Si analizzano e propongono diversi sistemi di valutazione della compatibilità, intesa anche in termini di adesione. Risulta abbastanza chiara la necessità di considerare il sistema malta/mattone in quanto tale e di utilizzare più elementi di valutazione della compatibilità, come ad esempio la porosità, l’assorbimento di acqua ecc.

Key words: compatibility, adhesion, mortar, mansonry


C. Di Biase, M. Carlessi, A. Kluzer

"Portali ed esedre nell'antico recinto del parco di Villa Burba in Rho."

The essay concerns conservation and protection of the degraded building hangings and the ornaments of the Villa Burba’s eighteenth-century fence at Rho (close to Milan).

Rough works and carelessness caused a very advanced deterioration of the coating. particularly as regards portals and exedrae which mark the mixtilinear proceeding of the fence.

The loss of matter in large areas caused also the loss of part of the drawing and of decorative motives, including the mosaic fields.

The testing carried out by the Centro "Gino Bozza" (CNR) brought to the knowledge of the materials and to the verification of the state of deterioration, followed by a reflection upon the methods and the operating procedures.

The works concern the protection of building hangings and particulary treatment of the disconformity of the mosaic fields.

Key-words Portali, esedre, Rho, intonaco, mosaico, lacune.


S. D'Agostino, R. Martines

Reintegrazioni architettoniche e reintegrazioni strutturali: dialogo sul tema della conservazione."

Non disponibile


A. Rava

"Il trattamento delle lacune sulle superfici architettoniche dipinte."

The subject of the speech is about conservation controversies which occur when losses are filled extensively in ruined frescoes and stuccoed projects. The small 16th century palace in Orta S. Giulio is a clear example of this kind of work since it was severely damaged before treatment from atmosferical and metereological aggression. The impainiting of losses and the final protective coat give a new appearance to the building which regains a new comunication of the original message.


F. Santalucia

"La cattedrale di Noto. Lacuna architettonica o della memoria?"

Il problema della ricostruzione della cattedrale di Noto, dov’era e com’era si pone non solo come problema di riacquisizione di una organica ed unitaria coscienza della architettura, qui non solo antica, poiché la nuova cattedrale non potrà che essere costruzione moderna.

Key words crollo ricostruzione, memoria, scienza del costruire, Noto, cattedrale, terremoto, oblio, interessi.


G. Conti, M. Berti

"Lacune e integrazioni murarie nel Mausoleo di Teodorico a Ravenna."

The theme of the integrations in architecture is strictely connected to that of the storical and typological analysis of the manufactured and the relative pits occurred over the time. A correct planning and direction of the intervention of the restoration demands in fact a scientific knowledge based on the processes of formation and transformation which have interacted at the different levels of the body of the building, of the structural systems and of the elements of finishing. Furthermore its supposes the capacity to value the deepth of all own aspects of the traditional building site, based on materials such as stone and brick and on tecnologies bound to the static systems which works essentially with compression, as brickwall, arches and vaults. The relation takes into examination a case in one way exemplary: the mausoleum of Theodoric of Ravenna. For the exceptional age - 1500 years - its represents a good test bench to examine the behaviour of a complex building structure in a very long period of time, and then particularly significant. The analysis dwells on the identification of the original building stone (coming from the quarry of Aurisina, near Trieste) and trys to outline a way sufficiently clear through the successive pits and walling integrations which have re-established the building at the actual state.


G. Biscontin, L. Cimitan, G. Longega, PP. Rossi, Fawzi Fhami

"Trattamento di lacune per il restauro delle colonne del Tempio di Amenofi III a Luxor."

The question of the "lacuna" is often faced in relation with the operative condition connected to the integration, more than to its influence on the behaviour of the object. In the work which is presented the " lacuna" is faced in its peculiarity both as a project aspect and as an operative one:

the intervention concerns the problems met during the disassembly of the column of Amenofi III temple in Luxor – Egypt.

In this case the columns, formed by different overlaped rocks, have some " lacune " due, as a principle, to a decay action; so an easy and facilitated removal of the columns is not possible.

The inquiry, which is got, starts from the ascertaince of the situations and proposes some specific answers to make easy and effect the disassembly.

The treatments and the operations are expected just to the disassembly only and consequently they are thought and made considering the reversibility.

The logic follows: a characterisation of the material, the knowledge of the decay process, the identification of the problems, the laboratory tests, the tests in situ and the final choice of the project.

Key –words: Luxor, Lacuna, Reintegration, Epoxy resin, P.V.A.


P.Amico, S. Manzo, D. Mertens, G. Torraca

"Il trattamento delle lacune nel Tempio di Segesta. La successione storica dei restauri e l'intervento attuale."

The earliest documented restoration works in the temple of Segesta go back to 781. They were followed by several other ones of variable importance; the dates of 1806, 1828-32, 1865-72, 1939-40, 1950, 1965, 1979-85 are now surely established but there is some evidence that minor works were carried out in other periods.

The present paper discusses methods, and materials, adopted in the different periods for the treatment of lacunae (replacement of missing stones, filling of cavities).

The works normally had a limited extension, being aimed at the solution of localised problems (reintegration of missing parts, consolidation of damaged stones, filling of cavities, protection of cornices, application of metal reinforcement). The last project, instead, was different as it involved a global consolidation plan to be carried out by the insertion of stainless steel bars fixed by an epoxy resin grout. Two sides (east and north) of the temple were thus treated, then the work was stopped. In 1991, damage caused by the thermal expansion of the metal bars prompted another conservation project that is now just completed (1995-96).

The present conservation project involves the study of deterioration processes and the repair of the damage that previous restorations have undergone. Existing fillings are in part respected but masked when exceedingly obtrusive; new fillings are executed with a lime/cement (2:1) mortar. The general aim of the project is to .consolidate the existing situation and to improve it, where needed, without attempting to achieve a "definitive" solution to all problems. The future conservation of the monument is rather seen as depending upon attentive maintenance and continuing research on the causes of deterioration.

Key-Words: stone architecture, Restoration, Filling, Losses, Lacunae, Reintegration


L. De Stefani

"Riflessioni sul restauro a Milano fra ottocento e novecento: risarcimento della lacuna, comprensione, valutazione storica del monumento."

The aim of this contribution is to examine how the concept of "gap" has been discussed in the debate about the architectonic restoration in Milan at the end of the 19th century and at .the beginning of the 20th century.

By analysing Giuseppe Mogeri’s theoretical contribution and the restoration of the facade of San Pietro in Gessate, we can infer that the concept of gap is not considered from a strictly technical point of view, as an element of incompatibility with the conservation of the remaining structures on the contrary, it’s seen as an obstacle to the right comprehension of the monument and its values..",’

Key-words Gap, history, art, stratification, archaeology, historical method.


G. Franco

"Lacune e 'vuoti' urbani."

Calamità naturali o causate dall uomo, episodi particolari nella storia urbanistica delle città, operazioni edilizie non portate a termine sono in parte le Cause di alcune "ferite" aperte nelle città storiche italiane. A partire dalle ricostruzioni post-belliche la storia urbana più o mena recente ci racconta dei diversi modi - e degli aspri dibattiti - con cui, volta per volta, si è affrontato il problema di un loro "risarcimento". In aggiunta a questi casi, in ogni ambiente urbano esistono oggi volumi vuoti, spazi abbandonati, fabbricati industriali in disuso, un vasto patrimonio edilizio da riconvertire". Allargare dunque l’attenzione dal frammento di architettura all’ambiente urbana sembra piu che mai attuale. Parafrasando un termine nato per il restauro pittorico, ed estendendone l’ambito e la scala, si usa oggi chiamare queste aree "lacune urbane", stabilendo un nesso più o meno esplicito e diretto con i concetti di mancanza, di interruzione di spazio vuoto necessariamente da rimarginare. Il passaggio di scala - dal frammento alla città - non può che coinvolgere competenze e voci differenti, anche in vista dei molteplici - e spesso contraddittori - obicttivi alla base degli interventi. Ma l’incontro tra queste diverse voci sembra tramutarsi spesso in un infruttuso conflitto. Il racconto di alcune operazioni in corso a Genova diviene il pretesto per una riflessione di carattere più generale, che si snoda intorno ai seguenti quesiti: è lecito parlare di "lacuna" in ambiente urbano? con quali significati, rispetto al piu piccolo frammento di architettura? con quali presupposti teorici e metodologici? con quali finalità, soprattutto in vista dell’intervento?


M.A. Soheil

"Lacune in architettura: riflessioni ed esempi in Iran."

The question of lacunae has been considered not only as an aesthetic and historic fact but also as a missing component in memory due to The elimination of an element in the monument or through restoration work The Mausoleum of Cyrus the Great has been discussed as an example of such case. The Italian Institute for the Middle and Far East, IsMEO began its activities in Iran in 1964 which were ended with the Islamic revolution of 1979. Some examples of its restoration work has been mentioned as background for the principles and practice of conservation in Iran, and as a contribution to the training of Iranian specialists. A summary is made of the guidelines adopted by IsMEO in the implementation of its approach to conservation e.g. in Pemepolis in the region of Fars and Ali Qlpu and Chehel Sotun in Isfahan. Ofher interventions are considered where Iranian experts deal with the problem of lacunae compared with the Italian approach. These sites are the Temple of Anahita in Kanglvar, and the commercial complex of Sarkye Roshan in Tehran.

Key words. Lacunae, integration, IsMEO, Persepolis, Pasargadae, Isfahan, Kangavar, Tehran, Iran.


P. Valle

"Il restauro architettonico delle mura di Cittadella."

In the statute of preservation comes out frequently a critic reflection between an intuitive process, immediate cognitive and an analytical process, that is connected with the making action.

In these events is underlined the worth of the term process, that comes to define the continuous action of the doing in the time, putting the course of events in order to knowledge .

In the reliability of Cittadella’s walls the reflection about the intervetion’s limits and about the monument’s restoration can’t leave out of consideration from the meaning and from the opportunity of the estate s preservation. Specifically, in this case the relationship between the city and the monument is so intense that these terms are coinciding. In the drawing of the old free city doesn’t exist the superimposition of two traces, civil life and masonry perimeter coexist from the origins.

The narrative and the scientific knowledge are interlaced in the process of intervention, in the consciousness, that the remembering action is also the transforming action.

The simply act of reintegration of a lacuna can stake the certainties of the single arts, this fact shows the limits, but also the potentiality.

They must be search for just where contemporaneous thought expresses indecision respect to purposes and respect to the knowledge and the perception – intuitio-onis, to see into- represents, in this context, the ability to crate new images’ combinations and metaphors.

KEY-WORDS Historical masonry town ring, structural reliability, means reliability intuitio-onis


C. Benocci

"Il giardino del teatro di villa Doria Pamphilj a Roma: dalle lacune del costruito alle lacune dell'immagine."

The "Giardino del Teatro" is the most important monument of the Villa Doria Pamphilj at Rome; during the 1996 the Sovraintltendenza of the Comune di Roma has beginned the restoration of this one. There are different models of blanks, regarding the decorations (plaster, blick, "tartari" etc.), the reliefs, the sculptures, the pots, objects only partly original. We propose of complete the restoration with the copies of the originals and with the moulds of the ruined sculptures and of place a new organ in the central room, following the settlement of the XVIII century.

Key words: Giardino del Teatro-Villa Doria Pamphilj-copies-moulds-organ.


R. Corrao

"Architettura delle lacune. Forme di intervento ed indirizzi teorico-metodologici a confronto."

By the analysis of some significant restorations carried out since the second postwar on buildings damaged by war or catastrophical sudden events, we’ll investigate the concept of lacuna, in the general context of architecture, meaning by the word "lacuna" those cases in which the gap is limited to small elements of the building decoration and those in which the gap itself concernes large parts o f the building.

With this aim the technics of theoretical and methodological approach used in the different cases analysed, trying to resolv the problems related to the reinstatement of buildings images full of gaps, will be investigated. So, we’ll try to estimate, in the light of new connotations of the buildings assumed after their damage or restore, how the figurative and functional continuity of the buildings themselves, the new aestetical meaning assumed by them in relation to the new conformation of the original context, the level of compatibility of materials used for integrate the gaps in relation to the nature of the original ones, are still guaranteed by the interventions of reinstatement.

In the end, well report the results of the restoration in progress on a building in Mondello (PA), in order to put in evidence the necessity of reinstate the lack of chromatic effects on its decoration to understand correctly the particular original image of the building itself.

Key words: lacuna, reinstatement, image, continuity


A. Cristini, G. Cavagnini

"Riproposizione di pratiche manutentive nel risarcimento degli intonaci settecentesci della Parrocchiale di Vilminore val di Scalve (BG)."

This paper describes the conservative intervention on external plasters of Vilminore church. The study focuses first the problem given by the missing areas of the plasters and than the one created by the several stratifications and remakings carried out during the centuries. The authors analyse the reasons of the choice for the complete filling of the missing areas still existing and than examine the choice of the chromatic tone for the old remakings. Finally there are described the organisation of the restoration site and the method of intervention carried out.

Key-words: Vilminore, Seventeen-century, missing areas, recovery and consolidation


F. Di Cosimo, F. Ferrucci, M. Milazzi

"Il trattamento delle lacune relativamente ai materiali costitutivi dell'Athenaion di Paestum."

the Athenaion in Paestum is constructed primarily in a local Travertine characterised by the presence of numerous large cavities. This morphological peculiarity has risulted in a structure which is highly irregular both on the surface and internally. The presence of these cavities has resulted in two important phenomenon: first, dust and dirt have accumulated in the external cavities giving rise to a variety of plant infestations and second, the cavities promote the canalisation of rainwater on the surface of the temple and whithin the architectural elements themselves. These factors have caused erosion in areas exposed to more concentrated streams of rainwater. Filling the cavities in the temple was from the outset seen as inevitable and indispensable in order to prevent a recurrence of the plant infestations on the structure and to prevent the harmful effects of rainwater on the structure, This operation was carried out only where necessary with materials which can be subsequently removed with no damage to the underlying structure; materials which have been used to the greatest degree possible in a manner compatible with the aesthetic of the original structure.

KEY-WORDS: conservation, Paestum, greek temple, travertine, plant infestations, cavities.


D. Pizzorno

"Le pavimentazioni a mosaico in ciottoli nell'area ligure: tradizione e attualità nelle tecniche di integrazione delle lacune."

In Liguria with the term "mosaic risseu" is named a kind of stone paving that had been a great diffusion during the XVIII and XIX century, They are outside pavements that characterise and make the places of the historical centers uniques (squares, churchyards, arcades, gardens). This original kind of paving is made with little white, black, red, green, sea peebles exclusive of the ligurian coasts. Nowadays is very difficult to find a risseu complete of all his parts; so, come to the end the basic auto-balance condition with the consequent crumbling of the flagged. For this reason it is necessary to operate immediately, but always keeping in our minds that the carrying out of these pavements is governed by a knowledge refined during the time, founded on practices and buildings rules. The matter of gaps and their integration is a problem concerning both the iconic substance of these pavements and the preservation of the knowledges kept in their own material composition.

Key-words: mosaic, sea peebles, auto-balance condition


C.I. Serino

"Lacune e reintegrazioni nell'architettura dipinta: aspetti teorici e applicativi."

Il fine della nostra scuola e la formazione professionalc dei futuri operatori per il restauro delle opere d’arte, per questa ragione i problemi di tipo teorico-storico che di volta in volta si presentano vengono affrontati piu con spirito conoscitivo che propositivo, visto l’importanza che ha per noi la capacita di comprendere le ragioni delle scelte operate e proposte dai responsabili del restauro (storici, architetti, funzionari a vario titolo delle Soprintendenze), piu che la definizione di una decisione autonoma che e deontologicamente relativa per chi ha solo funzione operativa nel restauro. Riferendoci al tema del convegno di quest’anno il seguente lavoro esemplifica come nella scuola ci si pone rispetto al problema della reintegrazione.


M. Jadicicco Spignese, M.R. Volpe

"Lacune e metodo indiziario. Il caso delle pescherie di Levante di Giulio Romano a Mantova."

On the medieval stone bridge on the river running through Mantova, in 1536 G. Romano built two almost specular structures to be used as the public fish-market of the town. The west side of the building has been recently repaired, the east one instead, has been neglected for years. It is a one floor building on an arcade facing the street with a particular outside surface which looks like a rusticated plaster; its state of deterioration gave us a good opportunity to inquire into the various ways to treat architectural gaps. Concerning this, we think to consider the gap not as an architectural missing part which necessarily needs to be filled but as a mark of the history of the building itself which should be preserved.

Besides, we intend to study the gap not only with regard to the damage suffered by the outside surface but, above all, considering it as an effect of the degrading pathologies of the building itself. So, according to a kind of preservative approach to any repairing project, we have to conform to the following rules:

- repairing a building must not require a restoration of its proper image, but the aim should he to preserve, as much as possible, the whole ancient part that is left;

- it is necessary to list all the typical degrading causes ( not only the outside surface s ones) which bred gaps;

- considering if it is really necessary to treat (or not) the degraded part and, in the affirmative, the relative technique should be decided only after a specific study of the causes concerning each gap;

- a gap must be treated with the double intention of removing all the causes breeding the materials deterioration of the building, and avoiding more degrading situations. Besides, the treatment should be mostly chemically end physically compatible with the existing materials.

KEY WORDS: gap / fill a gap, list of existing gaps, preservative approach to repairing project/ restoration, treatment on plaster, degrading causes.


G. Rossini, A. Segimiro

"Il recupero della commenda di San Giovanni di Pré a Genova: vicende di un restauro trentennale."

The church and commandery of San Giovanni di Pre in Genoa was founded in 1180 by the Knights of Saint John of Jerusalem. It can be considered as a palimpsest of the history of the town as its many urban and architectural strata record more of eight centuries of history.

We will carry out our analysis on a historical basis, from the foundation to nowadays, First we will take into consideration restoration interventions carried out from 1930 to 1972 (when the last ,"Carta del Restauro" was issued), which were intended for enhancement and recovery of the first architectural characteristics of the group by removing all different superstructures which had deeply altered the nature of buildings.

Interventions after 1972 to nowadays, namely treatment of the wall surface fragmentation, will be examined and the various types of gaps discriminated, listed in order of importance and grouped in major categories according to their size. Also, some criteria for gap integration will be signalled.

Finally, we will examine the works of art discovered on the wall surfaces, which provided useful historical documentation of the different modifications the buildings underwent over the time.

The memorandum will end by supplying some informations on the lower church of Saint John and by presenting some solutions to be adopted as regards restoration in progress, also on the basis present integrations achievements.

Key - words Genoa, Commandery, lower, Church


P.G. Bardelli, C. Mele, C. Ostorero

"Integrazione delle lacune nel restauro di un edificio degli anni trenta: "Il caso di un edificio di gusto novecento in Torino."

The opportunity to restore the facades of a building designed and erected during the 30s in a style ranging from Art Deco to Rationalism and of great importance for the town ’s historical tissue leads to several remarks on architectural philosophy and restoration techniques. Its architectural features mark the building as a significant example of the cultural panorama of those years in Italy. Armando Melis de Villa proved that he agreed perfectly with the moderness of the more recent architectural artefacts. He was open to art deco suggestion, as proved by other works by him Turin, and approached the topic suggested by the commissioning party with a spirit that was certainly in tune with his times. Specific technologies and the use of metal structures and stone material linings led to new technical building solutions that raise interesting restoration issues today. Modern approach for restoration is represented by substantial integration of knowledge of the most up to date technology and events. Chromatic values coming from the discovery of stone material original colours are all important for an architectural artefact such as the one under study. The philological rediscovery of this original project approach has become the unreplaceable source of a new critical assessment of the building and its delicate restoration, as a consequence.

Key-words: restoration techniques, restoration philosophy, comprehensive design, maintainability, Modern Movement Architecture


S. Cancellieri

"Differenziate valenze implicite nella riproposizione di una lacuna."


Two yard experiences in two different contexts, urban and territorial, have made evident a complex relationship among history, art and technology belonging to an area that needs to recuperate an image.

In the case of Santa Maria Assunta in Ariccia (close to Rome), which is a Bernini’s masterpiece, the work regarding the reintegration of the plan consisting of the two church’s semicircles made like a crown, should be the repetition of modular elements: small columns, pieces of balustrade and projections; the current study lets understand otherwise a problematic complexity starting from the marking out of the building technics through proportional lecture of the dimensional relations among the elements as they have been thought for an accelerating view; this is to allow a very close comprehension to the beginning of the project.

In the case of the ruins of the church Madonna della Corona in Mandela (close to Rome as well), the operation, because of the poorness of documents and notices, represents an interesting and very particular case between the needing of conservation of the standing ruin and the entire restoration of the monument’s image as it is the most significant mark of the place.

Key words: Ruins and image - elements and context.


L. Sarti, A. Cazzani

"Le alberate: problemi di controllo e gestione delle lacune in una architettura vegetale."

Tree-lined paths made characteristic the landscape and the town; their conservation problems must consider every tree, the historic composition and its architectural and landscaping importance.

the value of avenues in not only aesthetic, but also useful (shading, wind and noise breaking,

ecological nursing, etc.).

This study, by examining historical and current bibliography about avenues project and maintenance, present regulations and trends, analyses the tree-gap . problem and defines conservation goals and maintenance standard. Tree diseases, namely ageing, decay and death often result in gaps: a restoration project has then to face botanical, raising posing, decorative, forest, landscape-architecture reasons, often mutually exclusive needs and demands., It is therefore necessary for every tree-lined path to provide a Master Plan, i.c. a comprehensive management program which includes keeping trees in a safe condition, caring for horticultural needs of a tree (removals, prunings, plantations) and preserving landscape dominating alignments so that maximum benefits can be obtained.

Key-words: tree-lined paths, avenues, aesthetic and useful value, disease, tree-gap problem, removal, plantation, preservation, Master Plan, Management Program


E. Pietrogrande

"San Francesco del Deserto. Un intervento di restauro negli anni sessanta."

The convent of San Francesco del Deserto, in the homonymous island of the Venice lagoon, was object in 1921, after various transformations, of a heavy architectural modification: a large Chorus, in neogothic style, stands above the apsis of the old church. This has caused a great gap in the history and language of poverty typical of the Franciscan tradition.

In the 60’, in agreement with the Venetian Sovraintendenza ai Monumenti, Camillo Bianchi and friar Francesco Ferrari, demolished the Chorus, renovated the sacred places of the convent and built a new Chorus.

Thirty years later I ask myself how much and in what way the intervention may have interpreted, in the form and in the materials, the spirit of the site, or rather has caused a further structural gap in the island’s texture.

KEY WORDS: San Francesco del Deserto, Venice lagoon, neogothic, Franciscan architecture.


N. Gallo

"Lacune nell'edilizia medievale: gli apparati lignei."

In a conspicuous number of medieval buildings wooden structures, composed elaborated volumes setting up one or more balconies at different levels. In all the inspected cases the wooden apparatus is today completely disappeared leaving as sole proof structural cavities, It is sometimes possible a virtual rebuilding showing lacking parts of the constructive procedures used respecting the static behaviour of the systems of beams.

Key-Words: building, wood., middle age


PF. Canali, L. Jurina, GF. Pertot, G.P. Treccani

"Un documento del gusto come tecnica militare: lacune progetto di conservazione al forte di Fuentes (Colico - LC)."

Between 1603 and 1609 the Spanish Governor of Milan, the Earl of Fuentes, built a great fortress near Colico, in the northern part of Como district, against a Swiss confederation. The planning was probably drawn up by a military engineer, perhaps Gabrio Busca or Giuseppe Piotti. Neither battles nor sieges were fought during XVII and XVIII centuries, until the French revolutionary soldiers partly destroyed the boundary walls and the inner buildings in 1796. Since then, the little fortified mountain remained depopulated, even if the abandonment was not followed by any despoilment. Nowadays the Fuentes’ fortifications can become a laboratory to study historic military techniques of construction and destruction of fortresses. A project intends to face the static and the material problems respecting "lacunae", conservation conditions and environmental balance.

Key-words: Restoration, Conservation, Reuse, Military architecture,


H. Fallahdar

"La visione della lacuna in opera per un architettura sostenibile."

If coplaints related to the pathological from man-made sources how much has been increased, this means how much human’s gone a be interested in recognizing e requalifing arterfts. With this vision, gathering a lot information and involving an interdisciplinary effort among architects, medical and health scientists, engineers for a sostenable design, he’s got a get how to catch up with the new principle line to have a correct respect to the things which have being construct once by him. At times building-related associated pathos are researched through a discussion only between a specific group, so called professionals to convince the others without considering the whole existing gaps in cultural and architectural fields. By increased in-understanding and stressful effects in societies, it could be interesting evaluating that potential of common and traditional for their problems and to envolve human intelligence and redefine our vision and technical codes and changes with aim of how to know, to recognize and to fill those architectural gaps. We try to display in aimed projects how to protect the buildings, environment, sites and requalify health and the way of livinging, by this to give a different and sicure message to the next. By our contribute in restoration, we try for an approach to correct and sincronized conservation.

Key words: sostainable design, architectural vision, preservation, restoration, calligraphy, vault, arch


A. Montefusco, R. De Feo, G. Guardia, A. Forcellino

"La lacuna: il caso di Ravello."

Key words: Ravello, maosaic


S. Alberti, E. Craparo, G. Driussi

"Il Tempio della Concordia: il trattamento delle lacune. Integrazioni storiche, storicità delle integrazioni."

The continues realisation of restoration interventions has left a notable quantity of integrations on the "tempio della Concordia". This works individualises and discusses the different types of integration in respect to the evaluation of their formal characteristics, their compositions and to the state of maintenance. It suggests a proposal of plan for an intervention on an integration that has functions also structural.

Key-words: tempio della Concordia, integrations, lacune