-anno 1998-
"Progettare il Restauro. Orientamento e Metodi - Indagini e Materiali"


A. Bellini

"Progetto di conservazione e reversibilità"

non disponibile


T. Mannoni, C. Montagni

"Le indagini preliminari (storiche, diagnostiche, materiche) al progetto di restauro: utilità, necessità, superficialità esecutive, funzioni essenziali, costi in rapporto ai risultati da ottenere e/o ottenuti."

What does it mean cognitive studies? It means the whole methods and searches that we make on a single building in order to get a restoration planning. They consist on different objective instruments giving objective and repeating specifications. Sometimes there is a great difference between specifications given by scientific instruments and restoration plan. Why? A very frequent reason could be that the case (read building) is more complex than we though. In this situation we have to change our mind and especially we have to change both cognitive hypothesis and planning, starting with new data.

Approaching to restoration planning there are two methods of behaviour: A) to make many analysis without thinking at real problems. Results: 1) an executive planning that doesn’t take care of diagnostic studies. 2) a planning that considers only some diagnostic studies in order to take advantage of a pseudo-scientific justification.

B) Analysis of real problems and execution of specified cognitive studies. This is the correct way to use diagnostic studies in order to reach the right form restoration planning: a developing planning that will be able to evolve according to the unexpected event of work.

Key Words: Cognitive instruments, Trust in instruments, interpretation of specifications, cognitive hypothesis, Cognitive planning, knowledge degree, knowledge of techniques and materials, professionalism in building site.


G. Serafini

"Unità stratigrafiche fittizie e funzioni strutturali in una copertura lignea."

The use of the laws of arcaeological stratifications is very uncertain when you wish to analyse the structure of a wood roof. In the field, it’s possible to compile two kind of reports: the first shows the superimpositions between the elements; the second shows the structural aims of the wood elements. The peculiar aspect of the research is the attempt to app1y a matrix method with both informations to the project of conservation of wood roofs.

Key Words: Restoration, wood roof, conservation, reuse.


M. Celada, A.Faria da Costa

"Filosofia di intervento e di restauro in Portogallo."

This study focuses on interventions that have been rnade by State departements in Portugal (DGEMN, IPPAR), for protection of their architectural heritage. Following the political and social developments of the country since the biginning of this century, an attempt has been made to bring forward and understand particular cases that marked this evolution.

This study also covers the general trend of restoration work in Portugal: a minimalist kind of conception in parallel with modern architecture interventions.

Key words: DGEMN, IPPAR, heritage, monument, inventory, criterion.


S. Pesenti

"L’evoluzione delle metodologie progettuali nei restauri fiorentini del secondo ottocento."

The intent of this contribution is to examine the cultural evolution which leads to define restoration as an operation of historical criticism and, at the some time, an act of technique needing specific instruments, both of knowledge (from survey to historiographic and archeological research) and control (not just under a planning point of view, as a graphic check of the results, but also in terms of evaluation from the boards of preservation of works of art). Through some restoration exemples in Florence, which were examined by the ’Commissione conservatrice’, during the second half of XIX century, this report inspects the process of gradual definition of the aim restoration practive, and the evolution of research and planning methods.

Key-words: restoration planning tecnique, survey, construction site, second half of XIX century.


C. Fontenla San Juan

"The History of the art, a science to the service of the knowledge of the monument."

Each stage of the humanity’s history has had a peculiar way to value the monuments like documents in its collective memory. This appreciation has been carried out following a selection mainly conditioned by the conceptual positions, technicians and aesthetic effective in each time; circumstances that, in turn, they have determined the revaluation or abandonment, the acceptance or rejection of a historical inheritance that, in form of buildings, sculptures or paintings, they have been bequeathed by civilizations of past times.

KEY-WORDS: History of art- restoration – conservation- architecture- cultural heritage


C. Di Biase, M.A. Carlessi, A. Kluzer, M. Mascione, G. Alessandrini

"Per la revisione di un piano di recupero: indagini, vincoli criteri di intervento. Il caso di Villa Medici in Rho."

The essay deals with the analysis of Villa Medici's compound in Rho (Milan), for which the owners have proposed a plan for the re-use of the buildings. The Public Administration has judged this project inadequate and has therefore asked for more specific studies in order to come to more conservative project choices. For this reason the Politecnico of Milan - together with the centro Gino Bozza - Cnr of Milan - has undertaken an overall and integrated investigation dealing whith the history of the compound, the structural instability and the deterioration conditions;

Key words: Rho, piano di recuopero, villa, metodologia d'indagine e criteri di intervento


S. Musso

"Parole, forme e oggetti del progetto di restauro"

The themes of the meeting represent a group of fundamental questions for any attempt to analyze the restoration project. The paper is constructed around these questions with some references to the history of restoration and using some documents (graphic and written) related to interventions on existing architectures belonging to the past arid to the present age. A first group of problems belongs to the "world of the language" or to the forms of verbal communication related to the "conceptual construction" and to the "explanation" of the restoration project (from the critic essays, to the technical and administrative documents); a second group of questions regards the forms ant types of descriptive documents used for the realization of the intervention and the diffusion of its results (from the general or detailed drawings to the modern data-base or to the "virtual models"); another kind of problems, at last, is connected with the possible objects of the restoration, linked to the different historical periods (from the world of meanings, to the physical consistence and re-use of ancient buildings). The paper offers a simple occasion of discussion and debate, knowing that the- se important problems do not admit any simple technical solution or generic cultural answers. It is important to think in a critical way to a theory and to a practical work that. even if are more than two centuries old. are not completely solved. In particular, the theme of the language, that seems to be so theoretical could allow a new chance of concrete discussion leading our attention to the "things and to the operations", while the discipline sometimes lost itself between "words" without meanings.

Key-words: Restoration project - language and drawing – architectural survey


P.R. David

Conoscenza, progetto e intervento: è possibile "progettare" il restauro? (alcune considerazioni sul restauro dell’interno della chiesa di S. Andrea del Vignola a Roma)."

Key-words: palinsesto, stratigrafia, S. Andrea


M.R. Pinto, S. De Medici, G. Caterina

"I contenuti del progetto preliminare negli interventi sul costruito esistente."

Preliminary project contents in interventions on the existing buildings

The new Public Works law introduces the preliminary stage in the design process. Preliminary project is indispensable for financing works of the Public Administration. In fact, it plays a central role in developing public financing programs and it is the background of the definitive stage of design. The feasibility analysis is necessary to the development of preliminary project. This analysis, applied to existing buildings, requires the pre-existing building knowledge and the degradation survey. In fact, the preliminary project must be designed taking into account three different elements. First, the ties produced by the building. Second, the needs of the users in relation with the activities performed in the building. Third, the aims and the resources of the Public Administration.

KEY-WORDS Preliminary project, existing buildings, choices, feasibility


CS.Colajanni, E. Costanzo, A. De Vecchi

La codifica della regola d’arte - un metodo per la progettazione di interventi di recupero."

We are carrying out a research aiming to indicate a methodology that allows the designer to evaluate quality levels which can be achieved in consequence of different kinds of rehabilitation, by starting from setting up an inventory of configuration, constitutive, constructive rules of traditional building elements. Only through the knowledge of ancient good practice rules, we believe, it is possible to verify that the restored elements can provide such technical performance as to satisfy the environmental requirements of the space they delimit, in compliance with present regulations and nowadays comfort standards.

The research will be articulated into the following phases:

1) Codification of "good practice rules", as regards shape, material and technological aspects, by comparatively and systematically analysing the precepts which are reported in Treatises and in Eighteenth and Nineteenth century Manuals.

2) Choice and survey of some constructive elements which belong to Sicilian building heritage to check the real application levels of the previous rules.

3) Evaluation of the relationship between conformity to the rules and quality levels kept as time passed.

4) Simulation of different types of rehabilitation and evaluation of the relative achievable performance levels.

5) Settlement of the standards which can be useful to draw up regulations to restore building elements.

In this paper an example of the method, applied on an ancient palermitan pitched roof will be shown.

Key-words: Methodology, Regulations, Rehabilitation, Building elements, Comfort standards.


M. Nicolella

"La reversibilità del progetto come forma di manutenibilità."

Inattention for buildings durability can produce waste and complexity in restoration interventions.

Last formulation of the law disposition on public works brings to try to give to the project requisite of maintenability, that can be drived until requisite of reversibility.

So it’s necessary to aim to a methodology of evaluation of project in function of requisite of maintenability, that is to say to make evaluation of global cost and no longer of construction cost.

KEY-WORDS: maintenability - programmed maintenance - project - global cost - reversibility


D. Beltrame

Progettare il restauro tra rumore ed informazione."

Planning restoration between noise and information. When approaching an existing building one often faces communication difficulties between the world of research and the world of practice. Besides, the wide availability of media, instead of making it easier for the operators to choose the most convenient technical solution, may make it worse for them to intervene on the monumental and construction heritage. It seems that the information is very often mixed up with the "noise" made by an excess of generic data gathered in many books and technical manuals, brochures, computer aids, videos. Therefore, it would be good to think over the communication modalities of the research works in order to assure that the interventions are correctly managed both in the restoration of big yards as well as in minor works done on historical buildings. In the essay it is proposed to set out a website capable of allowing the access to up-to-date information on the state of research and practice. Such informative aid should aim to guarantee the quality of every single technical operation and draw the operator’s attention to the aspects regarding the compatibility between structures, materials and technologies, technical actions and products for restoring. However, even in such case the choice of the means and ways of intervention must be responsible and supported by a knowledge and will to preserve the objects that have been entrusted to us only temporarily.

KEY WORDS: information for restoration intervention techniques regulations knowledge-responsibility


D. Pittaluga

Il consulto per il restauro dell’ex seminario dei Chierici a Genova. Uno spaccato di metà ottocento."

A complex end important construction: Seminario dei Cherici in Via Fieschi,Genova, built in XVIIth century,

-a precarious situation, as far the stability and quality of materials was concerned, and an everlasting need for urgent necessary repair in the second half ’of XlXth century,

- a consultation of architects and engineers, the best known names operating in Genova at those days, including Inazio Gardella and Ippolito Cremona.

This was the scenario for the action of important professional with different roles like construction engineer and restorer. Their methodological guidance is sketched out, reading over again the reports of their surveys during the consultation.

Today, when the last restoration yard is closed at the end of e ten years long effort using very advanced diagnostic tools, we verify the investigation techniques and solutions worked out one hundred and fifty years ago.

Key-words: building restoration, XIXth century, consultation, advanced, diagnostic tools, investigation techniques


M. Corradi

"Scienza e tecnica per il ‘progetto di consolidamento."

Over the past few years, the restoration work done on monumental architecture has brought out a rift between the rationale for statics and the reasoning behind conservation. This rift has highlighted how the "need" for strengthening often moves away from the search for mechanical models that more closely approach the extensive and masterly rules of "good building". These rules have always been set down by relying on skillful mastery that has matured over centuries of careful empiricism, to follow the safe and unfailing path laid down by the theory of elasticity that was first set for during the past century and has now been consolidated through the use of precisely elaborated instruments and methods of calculation. In this sense, we will attempt to clarify the reasoning underlying the question posed by the title. In other words, when analyzing the structural behavior of monumental architecture, is it better to proceed using the tools of elastic calculation or is it best to rely on the new models proposed by limit design principles, retracing the steps that were already taken by the scientific culture of the nineteenth century, particularly for calculating masonry arches and vaults?

Key-words: limit design, masonry, static restoration, science of strengthening.


M. Manzelle

Uso - Abuso - Diuso - Riuso."

Il progetto di utilizzazione si costituisce come uno dei nodi fondamentali nella progettazione dei restauro. L’appropriatezza della destinazione d’uso deve essere valutata non solo su parametri intrinseci al rapporto edificio-funzione, ma anche attraverso la considerazione di parametri estrinseci che chiamano in causa l’intero tessuto urbano. Un progetto di riuso definisce i modi di "abitare" un’architettura, indicando la funzione più opportuna, o i modi più consoni a quell’opera secondo i quali una funzione deve svolgersi. Appare necessario indagare cosa debba intendersi per uso "proprio" ed uso "improprio" di un’opera architettonica Si riflette sull’analisi della funzione nel progetto di riuso con orientamento verso la decomposizione della sua struttura in elementi con grado diverso di costanza organizzativa e permanenza formale.

Parole chiave: uso - funzione - appropriatezza


M.R. Pinto

La valutazione delle risorse costruite: compatibilità tra organismi edilizi esistenti e destinazioni d’uso."

Evaluation of built environment: compatibility between old buildings and new uses

Renewal project proposes as a stroke point the accurate knowledge for guaranteeing the quality of the intervention in reuse. In particular, the knowledge may be useful to recognize the technical ties and the quality pre-existing into buildings. The aim is to design guidelines in the approach for investigating the compatibility of the existing buildings to receive new functions. In particular, compatibility requires to point out two fields: construction system and functions. This to evaluate a correlation between various requirements and design for the rehabilitation, The goal is to choose new use for old buildings. In fact, the conformity between performance of the built environment and requirements of the functions may identify the appropriate reuse. In this way, the solutions dedicated to building reuse allow least interventions, preserving the building,

KEY-WORDS: compatibility, performance, requirements, reuse


A. Moropoulou

"Compatible materials, techniques and environmental management for the preservation of archaeological sites."

Non disponibile


A. Bellini, P. Bassani

" Riflessioni per una possibile normativa sui Beni Culturali."

Hermeneutics interpretation, bringing into Cultural heritage’s laws, Shows the relativity of juridical system, because every text’s interpretation in conditioned by history and depends of social and cultural situation. Every rule must prescribe the way to reach the law’s aim, end it must be directly on practice. Therefore the rule must control the preservation operation, describing all the procedures by the terms of its minimum quality,

Keys word: Cultural Heritage, hermeneutic interpretation, taw, technical rute, knowledge’s relativy, quatity


V. Borasi

"L’analisi del rischio come nuova scienza e nuova cultura a base delle future norme delle procedure amministrative italiane, anche nei cantieri edilizi di restauro o recupero."

Monuments, like all the buildings which belong to a certain territory and which have been built according to the rules of a certain period, are subject to all the risk of severe or light accidents. EEC Directive n. 89/106, has subvertd the traditional Italian rules, having substituted the ‘rules of the art’ with the concept of risk analysis. This paper suggests that each risk analysis should be performed at particular stages of the constructive and administrative process, even in the case of restoration and renewal interventions: in particular, when they are necessary and sufficient. For instance,before and during the preliminary project, anticipating the realisation of false works in order to dispose of them during the draft of the final project, instructing the users to maintain the restored monument or the renewed building. In Italy, up to now, neither promoters, nor builders, nor designers were educated and used to the concepts which are now being imposed by European Community practice, like those personal liability,guarantees and insurance.

Key-words: dangers and risk in restoration; technical rules and codes; building hazards; safety in building design; safety contract specifications.


A. Forcellino, S. Vedovello

"Progettare i restauri: il ruolo ed il contributo del conservatore-restauratore."

In Italy, and perhaps not only in Italy, it is a fairly widely held opinion that it is not feasible, per se, to draw up a project for the restoration of a work of art. This attitude is largely the consequence of a cultural viewpoint dominated by historical and theoretical considerations and which has as its primary aim the understanding of an image and its meaning. Connected to this, we find that those directing a restoration - with the responsibility for laying down the objectives and means of the treatment - are always professional "conoisseurs": art historians, archaeologists and architects. Conservator-restorers, on the other hand, employ a different language which. even in its day to day use, is geared at setting down the technical and material characteristics of an art work. A restorer will be able to draw up a project for any proposed treatment, given the appropriate professional experience from working on similar objects In order to bring together and compare such technical experience with the aim of developing guidelines for the drawing up of restoration projects, ARI has begun to gather data from its members. This data involves:

technical descriptions of works of art and the materials involved in their construction

descriptions of the various types of damage they have undergone, the treatment they have received with the materials used and the methods by which they were applied

measuring the time required for each operation and a description of the general organization of the treatment.

The next stage will involve the setting up of a data base to put together all this information.

Key-words: practical experience, data collection, work time, development of a vocabulary for technical experience.


S. Checchi

"Restauro e Conservazione: verso una corretta analisi dei costi."

The members of ARI feel that drafting and executing contracts for restoration work requires effective instruments in order to allow for a more accurate definition of the work required. It therefore seemed appropriate to become directly involved in trying to provide people involved in programming restoration work with a means to supplement the "Special Specifications for restoring cultural wealth" that are being drafted by the Ministry for Heritage and that see the participation of ARI itself. The price guide does not only give a simple list of prices, but aims to emphasise the need to keep the quality of restoration work high. The first publication, came out in 1995 and gave indications on stonework, stucco and fresco, painting on canvas and on wood, and copper manufacts. It also presented a section devoted to photogrammetric relief work. The second edition (1997) does not only include two new categories of cultural assets (works on paper and plaster casts) and a section on provisional works, but also tries to make the volume more homogeneous and easier to consult.

Key-words: restoration, price guide, cultural assets, effective instruments.


M. Dell’Orto

"Il controllo delle trasformazioni delle architetture vegetali. Ipotesi di capitolato di manutenzione ordinaria del verde storico."

The choice to define the "Capitolato speciale di manutenzione ordinaria del verde storico’ come from the consciousness of value which a constant attention holds in a correct preservation of Historical Gardens and from a verified lack of contractual instruments as well as organic, complete and manual-like means of support, dedicated to this matter in a very specialized way. The editing of this text is realized focalising the attention on technical and analytical questions taking on a back seat those administrative and juridical aspects which are usually present in this kind of specialized text. Furthermore, the text is entirely dedicated to works of gardening: that’s way all works al maintenance related to the garden’s built architectures - which need different equipment and professional skills - have been excluded from this treatment. It has been developed, with reference to its technical contents, into six different items which have been respectively dedicated to general regulations, to the carry-out formalities of analysis, to quality and origin of materials as well as to the soil preparation, to the formalities of execution of works connected to the gardening material, to the cleanliness conditions and to other maintenance operations. The aim of this Specifications is to define the "know-how" of all operations, all main techniques of research and intervention related to the gardening material has been analyzed, even when they took their origin from different and contrasting points of view. The main skill of this research was the idea of looking for operation techniques which had to be more correct than possible accordingly to theories of analysis and methods of conservation less interfering to gardening and - at the same time - more significant a: regards the amount of all information given.

Key words: Historical gardens, maintenance, contract specifications


A. Boato

"Archeologia dell’architettura, tra conoscenza, formazione e progetto."

Building archaeology got a new role in building restoration, that is seen in the fields of education, scientific research and profession.

Archaeology was born essentially as a form of historic knowledge. But the object of the building archaeology is the actual building and this changes completely the matter: architect, urban designer, engineer, and so on, all are interested in the same subject of the building archaeologist. Everyone of them has its own methodological approach: that may be in conflict or creates co-operation.

The present paper examines the relation between archaeology and the restoration project from the problems of knowledge towards the question of architects’ education.

Key-words: building archaeology, history, knowledge, conservation, project, education


V. Mariotti

"Cantiere Archeologico e restauro: un progetto impossibile?"

The paper proposes, though various sites (Palazzo Martinengo in the city of Brescia, the roman theater and the amphitheater area in the Cividate Camuno town), to create a strong collaboration in the project phase prior to the excavation and the consequent restauration, between the archeologist, searching the site and the architect, who during the project phase will have to predict, from the various evidence what needs to be preserved by means of restauration in closely shared collaboration with the archeologist. It must be kept in mind that to discover ancient structures inside a building or even more in open spaces, without financial and projectural resources for immidiate restauration, may cause often irreversable damages to the archeological heritage. The archeologist will have to adapt his research by varying his strategy according to the needs of the site m close collaboration with the architect. It is difficult to predict the state of conservation of ancient structures in urban as well not in urban areas, even when their presence and mature are already known.

Key-words: Archeology; restauration; excavation; project; archeological area.


V. Piazza, F. Bevilacqua, G.C. Grillini, D. Pinna

"Ravenna - Mausoleo di Teodorico - Esiti delle ultime indagini e progetto."

Since 1995 the Soprintendenza for the Beni Ambientali e Architettonici of Ravenna has prepared in advance a plan of restoration of the Teodorico’s Mausoleum.

The planning activity has used a sequence of inquiries, analysis and inspections that allowed to gauge the interventions and to enrich the knowledge of the monument.

The valuations of the changeables have contributed at the executive plan’s formulation, united to the contribute of the singles researchers, which during theirs investigations have the strategic intcnt to improve the knowledge relative of the Teodorico’s work.

They have moreover provided the necessary scientific support, they have opened the perspectives for a big more project of restoration that will can involve directly the around, the urbanistic and the installations.


G. Bulian

"Roma - Museo Nazionale Romano - Terme di Diocleziano - Il chiostro di "Michelangelo" nella certosa di Santa Maria degli Angeli: il consolidamento in funzione antisismica ed il restauro del colore."

The repair of the Museo Nazionale Romano is one of the most important works which the Archeological Superintendence in Rome had to face: it takes a large part of the still existing structures in the Baths of Diocletian.

The intervention on the "Michelangelo" cloister carries on a plan which began some time ago and had as its first aim the care of this monument through ifs consolidation and then the functional role of the areas to be destined to offices, restoration workshops, storerooms of the Superintendence.

Before starting every work an extremely accurate research has been performed: it involves historical-critical researches and studies about the most recent restorations and testing proofs which are necessary for the "restoration project".

Such interventions consist of:

plan for the consolidation and restoration of the cloister fassades and of their original color


R. Bugini, S. della Torre, C. Portosa, C. Tajana, V. Pracchi, A. Sansonetti

"La conservazione del Palazzo Natta di Como: un progetto in cantiere."

The aim of this paper is to give account of the conservation project of the façades of the Palazzo Natta, Como, featuring different materials and decay processus. Laboratory and in situ tests have been carried on, in order to obtain a better quality of the project. Thanks to conditions which allow to plan the various operations in different times, the conservation project become a program composed of steps and acts, to be executed just in time and just in case.

Key-words: Project, Conservation, Tests, Cleaning-tests.


G.V. Galliani

"Progetto di restauro e identità strutturale degli edifici."

Molteplici sono i criteri che nel tempo hanno guidato la progettazione degli interventi di restauro, in relazione ai caratteri degli edifici ma, soprattutto, al complesso e ricco panorama di idee e concezioni teoriche sviluppatosi a partire almeno dal secolo scorso. Alcuni di essi riguardano direttamente i temi della salvaguardia dell’identità strutturale degli antichi manufatti e costituiscono il punto di vista parziale, rna significativo, di questo contributo e degli spunti che intende offrire alla discussione del convegno. La relazione cornprende pertanto una breve descrizione di un intervento condotto a Genova negli ultimi anni: l’ex Complesso religioso di Sant’Ignazio, sede del noviziato dei gesuiti, poi caserma napoleonica e infine dismesso, gravemente degradato, in parte crollato e destinato ad ospitare il ricchissimo archivio di Stato della città. Il complesso presenta una ricca articolazione di spazi e strutture ma, in questa sede si privilegia la descrizione delle fasi di analisi e di progetto relativamente al suo nucleo piu antico, una villa quattro-cinquecentesca inglobata nel convento, con semplici accenni agli altri lavori compiuti per il suo "restauro". L’esperienza si presta infatti a sottolineare un grande tema, eternamente ricorrente nel dibattito culturale e tecnico sul restauro: i limiti e le possibilità di un "consolidamento", comprendente estese opere di necessaria integrazione, che rispetti la "concezione strutturale" del manufatto.


M. Momo

"La facciata lapidea del Duomo di Torino: intervento "pilota" di conoscenza, propedeutico al progetto di conservazione."

The restauration works of thc Dome of Turin started in the middle of thc Nineteens, following a systematic project of general recover of the building, which was in an advanced state of degradation. This works have included roofs, lime plasters, frames, stone-works of the lateral fronts and equipments. The fifteenth-century façade of the Dome, contrarily to thc other fronts of the church, is completely covered with white streaked marble coming from Susa Valley’s quarries. The present operation consists in series of preliminary cognitive inquiries which could be able to guide the project of conservation. The operations of survey and consolidation, leaved to a restorer and a professional climber, have been made with movable scaffolding. In this way it has been possible to study thoroughly the state of the materials, so that to previously plan the restoration works and for not to change the project later.

Key words: Dome, Renaissance, façade, marble, restauration, movable scaffolding, diagnosis, survey, consolidation


A. Rava

"Il ruolo del cantiere pilota nella realizzazione di un progetto di restauro. Il caso della facciata del duomo di Torino"

The case examined shows great interest not only for the conservation problems of a very important architecture, but also for the proposed use of a new method of preliminary intervention defined "cantiere pilota" for the acquisition of necessary knowledge about correct conservation treatment. Recently a better consciousness about the importance of the conservation project has been reached, but still many institutional reasons cause a lack of practical application. Emphasis is given to he role of the restorer in the general process of conservation especially for the possibility of exchanging experience with different branches involved as chemist, architect, art historian, geologist, archaeologist.

Key word: preliminary intervention, cantiere pilota, conservation project, role of the restorer.


S. D’Agostino, E. Guglielmo

"Un progetto di restauro tra conoscenza e conservazione: il tempio di Diana a Baia"

The research is a methodological reflection upon restoration design of archaeological heritage, and underlines the aspects concerning the material history in the construction field and the significant contribution that both architectonic culture and structural engineering can give to this theme. Once established the strategic principles of a philological conservation project for archaeological constructions, the research explains how they became the fundamental criteria for restoration design of thermal building of Baia. In particular a current intervention on the so-called Temple of Diana is showed. The Temple is one of the most important monumental building of ancient Baia and has the biggest ancient dome after that of Pantheon. The study and the careful examination of building have pointed out the problems concerning the recognition of different kinds of preservation works and have promoted a research about material history. Moreover the ancient techniques of building are been studied, especially the ones used in the existing half-dome. The current preservation work is a significant return to thc traditional materials and techniques.

Key words: Conservation – Restoration design– Temple of Diana


F. Santalucia

"Il progetto di restauro e il restauro a Noto"

Un decennio di interventi a Noto hanno posto il problema della conoscenza complessa della realta dei manufatti e di una citta., al di la’ delle indagini specifiche di settore; l’esperienza acquisita ha permesso di porre con chiarezza i termini del "come fare", ma le recenti emergenze, che portano al prevalere di esigenze normative sulle esigenze dei manufatti, rischiano di vanificare ogni possibilità di un serio restauro e recupero ponendo il problema di un generale restauro del progetto di restauro.

Key – Words Noto; città; riuso; archeologia; stratificazione; conservazione; restauro; prevalenza; normativa; esigenze.


S. Cancellieri

La tecnica della risarcitura muraria."

Non disponibile


G. Cruciani-Fabozzi, D. Ferrieri, N. Ludwig, E. Rosina, R. Sartori, S. Vannucci

"Nuovo approccio al progetto diagnostico dell’umidità nelle murature: casi esemplificativi in area lombarda."

Water content in walls and the data regarding the water transition between the wall and the surrounding environment (due to evaporation and dew) are fundamental information to draw effective buildings maintenance. Thermal and hygrometric dynamic are responsable of salt crystallization on the surfaces and consequently of its damage. Evaporative flux is the main parameter in damage to look for and its measure validates thermography output. Together with chemical-physic characterization of materials, the flux allows to evaluate the damage and to forecast the risk areas (even if not evident). The case studies, Corte Castiglioni in Casatico (MN) and S.ta Maria del Lavello in Calolziocorte (BG), show that the integration of more diagnostic techniques gives the necessary elements to plan intervention. Particularly, thermo-hygrometerical measurements are not in agreedment with on sight examination: the obtained data pointed on the causes and allowed to choose the correct intervention.

Key words: evaporation, moisture detection, damage, environmental conditions, brick characteristics, absorpion tests, NDT, preservation intervention.


C. Arcolao, L. De Marco, B. Volpato

Restauro architettonico: il progetto e le tecniche."

How can the restoration project be linked to the study of the construction techniques related to the historical architecture? Our proposal comes from this question apparently banal to whom we often believe to give an exhaustive and conclusive answer. The study of the technique requests the collaboration of many competence’s and includes researches and investigations of different nature: archives researches, bibliographic researches, lexical researches, investigations and analyses on the subject (building, monument), etc. Many operators are convinced that the aim of this kind of investigations consists essentially in giving practical solutions, presuming in this way to satisfy the "compatibility" of the operations, guaranteeing in the same time their "best quality". As a matter of fact, while approaching the rich and the variegated world of the techniques, we realized that insted of having answers or solutions of prompt applicability, new spaces of investigations rise up and, in the same time, many of the assumptions that have given the first impulse to the researches faint away. This place of incertnes, where the correlation among subjects, procedures and words remains suspended, requests answers to new questions and shows that the relationship between the several analyses (the study of the construction techniques) is neither consequential nor banal.

Key words: project, restoration, technique, tradition


G. Mor

"Il Progetto di restauro delle forme di manutenzione e come forma di manutenzione."

Restoration project of Villa Carla in Genoa and its accomplishment have underlined the rule of that "knowledge" that is generally considerate as the investigative phase of the intervention. The occasion is not unusual: some conditions given by the norms have obliged to take down and reassemble the covering structure of the building, with the aim to replace the heavy-damaged parts and the other parts not in accordance with present regulations about constructive elements containing asbestos. The "takedown" has become, this way, a qualification process of the whole intervention system. That s to say, it has been realized with works in progress, by an accurate run of surveys, measurings and investigations, which have offered day by day actual "discoveries" of a constructive system completely unknown or maybe only forgotten. These detections have permitted to understand constructive logics and solutions, which greatly enrich the base of our knowledgements about technics and technologies of the beginning of the XXth century.

For these reasons, the construction yard is not only the place of technical executions of planning choices, but also the site of new analytical and conceptual discoveries, which have influence on the same restoration project and, above all, put the analytical phases during all the time of the restoration execution and not only in its beginning.

KEY-WORDS: Construction details – draining systems durability – know-how – maintenance – restoration – roofing – takedown


L. Napoleone

"Riflessione teorica, azione tecnica e progetto di restauro."

Il contributo si concentrerà ’su due aspetti del restauro: il soggetto e l’atto, la cosa e il conoscere. L’atto conoscitivo nel restauro è stato finora subordinato ad un processo che parte da valori (storici, estetici, economici, simbolici, ...) che lo strumentalizzano e lo dirigono solo verso determinati elementi, tralasciandone altri.

Da questo deriva l’interesse dei restauratori non per la "cosa" architettonica (il muro di mattoni, di pietra, il legno, il calcestruzzo) ma per ciò che essa porta: la forma, la storia, l’immagine, il simbolo, il contenuto, il testo. Riportare il discorso sulla "cosa" significa allora liberarsi da sovrastrutture che aggiungono significati astratti. In questo senso allora gli slogan possono assumere nuovo significato: la riaffermazione della necessità di conservare la cosa - architettura e, attraverso essa, il luogo fisico di una conoscenza non definita a priori.


C. Montagni

"Il cantiere Pilota per il recupero del centro storico di Genova: dalle problematiche procedurali a quelle realizzative."

Building Restoration is comparable to a various faced prism whose body is one but many and innumerable the characteristics to operate. So, planning a restoration is very difficult and complex last but not least because historical buildings are different one to another. That’s the reason why it’s impossible to use standard rules and methods: every site has its owe correct way of working. The leading site of Salita Fava Greca n° 8 and Vico Noli n°1 is a sort of experiment to try the real possibilities and difficulties of working on a great and wide historical centre such as Genoa’s. Speaking about the difficulties found during this work there are, for example, administrative and procedural problems such as a lack of Restoration laws in the Italian Legislation and the current one (L.109/1S94 - L. 216/1995 - D.L. 10/1995) created for new buildings, put many limits. Problems concerning supplies and transports: lack of place where to realize site due to the strict urbanization typical of the historical centre. Problems in transporting building materials and yard organization. Another important aspect to consider is the lack of masons and builder’s knowledge about ancient materials and modus operandi. lnfact the amount of changes that has taken place on building sites since the last war have completely altered the way we conceive the actual work, which is now look upon as nothing more than a series of repeated gestures and forms designed to accelered process. Modern mason and manager have lost that knowledge the ancient had to do things that is the reason why it’s necessary to teach them how to use and operate with the ancient materials.

Key words: problems in restoration. Administrative, procedural and legislative problems. Problems concerning supplies and . transports. Mason and builder’s knowledge in ancient materials. Trust in contractors. relationship between builders and Superintend in work. Teaching in building site.


C.Bertolini Cestari, N. Macchioni, O. Pignatelli

"Indagini e progetto di restauro. "Procedure e regole per la valutazione della capacità portante e la caratterizzazione tecnologica delle strutture lignee antiche."

The restoring project of historic timber structures needs reliable data about e.g. the loading performances of each wooden member; such data could be provided by well conducted diagnostic inspections leaded by different specialists.

Starting from these considerations, paper deals with the results of paradigmatic diagnostic in situ inspections, characterized by scientific severity and rapid applicability in practice, as a guide for the design of restoring interventions.

Showed cases are not a repertory of diagnostic technologies, but a description of the problems to be examined and a critical evaluation of the inspections that could be proposed before, during and after interventions. Paper has an interdisciplinary approach: the argument has been examined by experts in Architecture, wood technology, building engineering, dendrochronology.

Key words: Restoring projects, wooden structures, diagnostic, dendrochronology


E. Carpani

"Il cantiere storico dell’anti-restauro. Manutenzione ordinaria, manutenzione periodica ed opere di adattamento dell’ediliza pubblica cremonese nel periodo della restaurazione."

"Historical anti-restoration yard" - this is the translation of the title - presents some ’planned maintenance’ experiences, as one would say nowadays, of public buildings in Cremona during the Restoration period (1815-1859). An efficient public administration, as it seems to all appearances, guaranteed an effective and simple management system of municipal buildings, The distinctive features of this management system are described in their general aspects: involved people, documentation and way of carrying into effect the building contract. Theoretical and practical problems connected with the effective maintenance custom are examined into details: some key-words, such as riparazione (reparation), ristauro (restoration), rapezzo (mending), and also rinovazione (renovation) besides manutenzione (maintenance) of course, often recur in the historical archives documentation. Their analysis allows to make some observations about methodological orientations under this operating statement. Some general reflections about maintenance, as an indispensable tool for the architectural heritage safeguard, are gathered from the specific cases which are here presented.

Key-words: building maintenance, Cremona (XIX century), historical restoration yard, public buildings


E. Carpani

"Tra il dire e il fare.......Normativa comunale e progetti di intervento su edifici esistenti."

The recent experience in an advisory committee to review the norme tecniche di attuazione (the rules of a small town-plan) has confirmed, if it was still necessary, the enormous gap between the theoretical statement which is learnt and taught in an academic context, and the common practice to operate upon existing buildings.

Rules should be just a means to control the building activity; on the contrary, they often become a strong vehicle of acting approaches which are not always thought over, carefully examined besides justifiable.

This essay analyses some fundamental themes which came out during the committee work: the re- use, related with the change of use-destination; the traditional materials utilization; the contradiction of the vincolo di demolizione (that means ’obligation to demolish’); the strong persistence of expressions like eliminazione delle superfetazioni prive di valore storico-ambientale that means the removal of something built in a second time, which is supposed with no historical or environmental value (but, who decides this?), and also ’restoration of qualifying architectural elements’.

Some general reflections are developped from this specific, but really typical experience of ’local’ management in town-planning and, inside this, transformation of existing buildings,

Key-words: demolition, existing buildings rnanagement, historical value, re-use, town-planning rules, ’traditional’ materials


D. Bosia

"Strumenti capitolari per interventi sul costruito."

Tender instruments as they are structured today in Italy, appear to be inadequate, in spite of the importance given to such documents during the executive and contractual phase. The special tenders currently used for renovation work are generally drawn up in the same way and with the same instruments as those cancerning work on new constructions, leaving a wide margin of discreption for the building firm and referring important project decisions to the Works Management. The special tender for renovation work on existing buildings, instead, has specific differences, especially as regards the need for special care and attention when drawing up technical specifications and as regards the complex relationship with the analysis and diagnostic phase of the renovation project. The analytic study of this relationship has led to the proposal of dividing the special tender into two separate documents, one concerning the diagnostic phase and the other the executive and operative phase, taking as a basis the informative function of the diagnosis in the renovation project and its organisation according to project lines.

KEY-WORDS: Technical Specifications, Preservation and Maintenance Works, Specification writing, Checklist.


G. Franco

Il progetto di "restauro " del convento di S. Gerolmamo a Genova: Riflessioni sulle procedure di un appalto concorso."

La partecipazione all’appalto concorso bandito dall’"Istituto Giannina Gaslini" per il "recupero dell’ex complesso monastico del San Gerolamo", compreso entro il perimetro dell’omonimo ospedale genovese, ha offerto numerose occasioni di riflessione e verifica sul tema del ruolo che normative e procedure sempre piu svolgono nella definizione e attuazione dei progetti di intervento sul costruito. La relazione ripercorre brevemente le tappe fondamentali della vicenda, dalla esplicitazione delle esigenze del committente, alla definizione del bando di gara, al successivo iter amministrativo. Ne nasce un confronto tra i caratteri del complesso monumentale, costruito a partire dalla fine del XIV secolo, i requisiti che il recente dibattito culturale e tecnico riconosce come fondamentali per un corretto intervento e i vincoli imposti dalle precedure amministrative. Emergono i condizionamenti che la incerta ricerca dei finanziamenti ha generato sulla stessa pregnanza delle scelte progettuali e, soprattutto, i limiti imposti dal bando di gara alla libera esplicitazione di scelte rispettose dell’antico manufatto. Ciò in ordine non solo alle destinazioni prescelte (sede di convegni, aule di studio, ecc.), non sempre compatibili con gli spazi esistenti, ma anche alle richieste sul tipo e sulla qualità degli elaborati progettuali. L’esperienza maturata porta infatti a ritenere che le procedure seguite non siano affatto ininfluenti sulla qualità del progetto e, soprattutto, sul suo esito, in riferimento al pur variegato mondo delle intenzioni sottese alla cultura del restauro.


L. Accurti, M. Brizio, F. Graffi

"L’informatica, strumento del restauro tra conoscenza e progetto: rilievo, diagnostica, gestione dati, elaborazione progettuale. Un caso applicato allo studio delle facciate dipinte."

A conservation project can’t be evaluated without thinking about its relationships with the giuridical limits that influence its practical accomplishment. Recently a better consciousness about its role as a control instrument in safeguarding cultural architectural heritage has been reached, so that we mostly agree that its use can’t be avoided.

But, as a matter of fact, lack of people, money, time of administrative bodies causes that most Of operations on cultural heritage are made without a complete and detailed project, but simply with an evaluation of costs, not only when laws permit it, like in small works, but also for big ones.

This problem can be solved and results improved by delegating the planning task to the same subjects who are going to realize the work, and including it in the things asked during the tender, like contemplated in "appalto concorso ’. planning the preliminary project, giving sharp advices in the competition notice and choosing carefully the winning economical and technical proposal is still a good control instrument for administrative bodies to orientate the results of the operation.

KEY-WORDS Appalto concorso, Conservation, Laws, Project


S. Boscarino, F. Caffo

Progetto di restauro e riuso del Castello di Donnafugata (Ragusa) dal progetto alla realizzazione.

The intervention works out themes linked to the realization of a project which either before and during the execution, has gone through different phases of verification and corrective modification, dug to the changes occurred in the reference rules, as well as to the results of researches and test "in situ".

Multi – discipline contributions, that were just out lined in the planning phase, eventually had a positive realization during the carrying out of the works.

The "specificity" of the different contributions was unified by a rigorous conception of restorations theory, which is considered as conservation of historic values and aesthetic values.

Key Words: Project, conservation, re – use, realization, future.


N. Berlucchi, R. Ginanni Corradini

"Indagini diagnostiche sulle facciate dei palazzi Capitolini: un contributo alla conoscenza e all’intervento di restauro."

The article resumes the most relevants results taken from the diagnostic analysis of laboratories Il Cenacolo, CNR "Gino Bozza" and ISMES, during the restoration of the facades of Capitolini Palaces in Rome; the chemical-physical analysis have given the chance of identifying: the original sixteenth century lime plaster of the Palazzo Senatori, with a first white layer and a second light pink plaster, found to be coincident in the other two facades; the original plaster in "colla di travertino" survived in 30-40/o of the surfaces of the pilaster strips and sham stone parts and now completely restored; the definition of degradation of materials, of the stratigraphic sequences of the several maintenances, based not only upon historical reports but also upon analytical results; the white plaster of the Michelangelo period, found in the right lateral side of Palazze dei Conservatori.

Key-words: Palazzo Senatorio, Palazzo dei Conservatori, Palazzo Nuovo, color sequences, original finishes, maintenance’s history, degradation


G. Jean, F. Petracco

"Un progetto di conservazione e di adeguamento tecnico-funzionale dell’impianto elettrico e dell’impianto di riscaldamento in Palazzo Jacini a Casalbuttano (CR)."

How can we approach the conservation of electrical installations in old buildings and guarantee at the same time the safety of the system? We undertook such a project in an old palace in the Cremona countryside and were able to conserve the original electrical and heating systems. The restoration posed great challenges and represents an important case study. This article deals with the problems of rewiring an old building while preserving its character and fabric. Many differents solutions were used: the old ceramic tumbler switches now work at low voltage; the main cables are new thin mineral insulated cables with a copper sheathing or pvc cables with a silk cover like the old; the sockets were specially designed to fit in with the character of the internal spaces.

Key-words: old installations, conservation, ceramic switches, XIX Century air heating system


G. Bardelli, E. Filippi, M. Gomez Serito

"L’importanza dell’approccio sovradisciplinare nel progettare il restauro: l’apparato decorativo e la congruenza con la struttura muraria della Confraternita della SS. Annunziata in Guarene d’Alba."

The case here examined shows great interest, not only for its undoustely important architecture, but also the cause it allows a different reading based on the analysis of migration of culture, schools, building patterns fied to local materials but also opened to foreign influences and presences in a political and geographic area such as Piedmont in the XVII and XVIII centuries. The piedmontese culture is also very much connected to a Court which for a long time ruled the territory astride the Alpine chain .

Building architectural and decorative techniques helonging to Ticino or Valtellina or Parma, or Trentino therefore emploied together with local materials such as clay, lime, chalk, stones, metal, etc., leading the works there often -Transalpine or anyway not piedmontese- schools.

For materials of remarkable weight or dimension – and therefore difficult to transport- there is a kind of autarchy which discovers specific materials and relative techniques. International and regional – or local- values live together. In our case, operators travel and transfer their taste and technique shaping local materials and patterns.

Key-words: analysis - teaching - investigation - research - building education- decorative equipment


L. De Stefani

"Vicende del restauro stilistico a Milano: il cantiere di Santa Maria delle Grazie (1880-1900)"

non disponibile


L. Accurti

Riflessione sulle problematiche di impiego del progetto di conservazione nella gestione istituzionale della tutela e sull’alternativa dell’appalto concorso"

The present script displays the possibilities deriving from using informative systems in managing with the conservation process; they consist not only in supports to the knowledge, data managing, and planning phases, but in the chance they give of matching organically all the basis acquired, making the synthesis, the conversion into the planning proposal, and finally into practice easier. Informative systems can be a connective aud unifying instrument for the conservation field, which still has to solve the problem of articulating the work sequences. Object of the present study is a square planned building, with an inner square court, with two exterior facades and all facades on the couit decorated with frescos simulating architectural and human images. The flat shape of facades fits well for employing informative techniques of perspective correction from photos (done using the program "Fotogramma"), wluch allow a precise reproduction of facades without taking measures point by point, saving time and making it possible to match photo images with other informative supports like diagnostic data (thermography, geo radar,), planning drawings, thematical drawings, simulations of results of the practical work.

KEY-WORDS: Computer Aided Design (CAD), Data management, Frescos, Informatic systems, Wall paintings


D. Tessarin, M. del Senno

"La diagnosi non distruttiva - strumento preliminare alla progettazione nel restauro- studio di un caso."

The need to keep the original appearance when carrying out restorations of artifacst of artistic and / or cultural relevance calls for an accurate information about the static performance to their components. This holds true especially for structural elements, that, in the case of horizontal members are in most case made of timber. Among the many diagnostic tools available for wooden elements, densitometric procedures have proved to be very effective, because, because of their limited invasivity that allows to consider them as non destructive methods, but also because they give information easily exploitable in the restoration process. In this paper a case is dealt with in which this technique allowed both to assess the actual extension of damages in the ceiling beams in a XVI century villa and to keep the level of intervention to an acceptable minimum

KEYWORDS Diagnostics Non destructive testing Timber Restoration


R. Fabbri, S. Magni

"La XVI cella della Certosa di Ferrara: Ampliamento delle indagini per il minimo intervento."

The work in question concern the study and the project of consolidation and preservation of a wide portion of Ferrara’s Carthusian, famous today more for the function of graveyard that for its history and past importance, in order to formulate the minimum intervention of consolidation but effective and necessary, to start from genera1 knowledge of monastic structure, of its conversions, of its present structural order and of the events that produced its. In fact the cell n XVI presents a sight of fissures necessary to understand and to bring back to real causes, to project a definitive intervention to solve precises problems, so minimum impact.

KEYWORDS: project, consolidation, sight of fissures, stratigraphic relief


A. Cristini, G. Cavagnini

"Un progetto conservativo ipermediale per la chiesa Parrocchiale di Vilminore di Scalve (BG)"

The essay describes the reasons why it is proposed the use of hypertexts to plan conservative interventions. It is presented thc conservative intervention project of the church of Vilminore di Scalve realized with a hypertexts system. The authors point out the matters related to the information’s management and its importance for writing up the yard newspaper and in the settlement of a programmed upkeep.

Key-words: Vilminore di Scalve (BG)-Hypertext-Project-Programmed upkeep.


M. Boriani, S. Bortolotto, L. Corti, S. Grossi

Restauro architettonico - restauro urbano. Progetto di conservazione, manutenzione programmata e riuso. Il caso della chiesa Soppressa di San Vittore in Angera (VA)."

The church of San Vittore in Angera (Va), "story" between identity and diversity, between architectonic and urban restoration, is a palimpsest of increased phases from XIV century until today. Nowadays the church with its additions is more an urban block than building with a monumental character.

The conservation project includes in its complexity a programmed maintenance a compatible re-use plan.

Key words: Architectonic conservation, urban conservation, programmed upkeeping, re-use.


F. Cecati, M. Lucchesi, C. Padovani, A. Pagni, N. Zani

"Consolidamento e adeguamento antisismico: Un modello di calcolo per orientare il progetto."

Suitable constitutive models and calculation techniques for the structural analysis of masonry buildings have been available only for the last few years. Many operations for the consolidation of historic structures are still based on empirical considerations and linear elastic analysis. The present paper demonstrates the potential benefits of applying an innovative finite-element method, which achieves realistic modeling of the static behavior of masonry buildings, to the selection and checking of consolidation and anti-seismic measures carried out on historic structures, which ore not subject to current regulations. To this end, a brief description is provided of the results of a study of the Pisa Medici Arsenal which has modeled a number of possible reinforcement options and determined the static effects on the building of a seismic event, The recent decision to renovate part of the Arsenal to house university classrooms has made restoration of the building necessary, and the study hopes to make a decisive contribution to the final choice of the work to be performed.

Key-words Reinforcement, seismic adaptation, masonry, no-tension material, finite elements.


F. Doglioni, F. Franz, A. Quendolo, B. Tombolato, R. Vianello, E. Zendri

"Le mura di Cividale del Friuli: progetto per la conoscenza e la conservazione del dato materiale."

The paper deals with the definition of the knowledge process of the fortified stone walls of Cividale del Friuli, With reference to the methodological structure and connections with intervention proposals. It is an analytic and technical- conceptual framing project, whose formulation is connected with the handwork dimensions, with the complexity of the building stratification and the signs of degradation. A project strategy thus appears -divided into general and specific cases assistance- which has the objective of setting the assistance guidelines related to a comprehensive wiew of the handwork and providing operative indications able to be adapted in the working progress in a continual research and verification of their conformity with needs of preservation.

Key-word: progetto, conservazione, Cividale del Friuli.


M. Gnone, R. Leone, D. Pizzorno

"Castello e Torre civica di Rapallo, due esperienze progettuali problematiche a confronto."

From the collaboration between the school of Specialization in Restauration of the Monuments of Genoa, the Superintendence of the Environmental and Architectural Good of the Liguria Region and the town Administration of Rapallo, it has born the occasion of effect the reliefs and the corpus of the analyses regarding two between the most representative monuments of the city: the sixteen century Castle rampart on the sea connected to the dry land from a thin language terrestrial, and the civic emergent Tower between the narrow streets of the city. From these experience have emerged different problematic treated following a commune thread conductor based on three fundamental points:

in the circle acquaintance of the manufactured article, the realization of a relief planned for get how much more possible information also departing from environmental dissimilar situations between them;

– the maintenance of the stratigrafich signs, for what it concerns the planned selections and the techniques of intervention;

the computer software use for the catalogation and the management of the planned phases with the possibilities and the limits of the employment of a system,

KEY WORDS: reliefs, stratigrafich signs, catalogation.


I. Santiago Arce

Conoscenza e finalizzazione: dal frammento alla unità (pianificare lo scavo, progettare il restauro, agire sul cantiere)".

The fragmentation and partiality of the results obtained through the stratigraphic analysis (linked to the fragmentary nature of the material evidences) becomes a limit situation when it is not possible to carry out destructive soundings, or we face a physical detachment from the context of the original structure: Isolated and non-contextualized elements. Nevertheless, the stratigraphic analysis is still useful in these situations: The information that can provide, together with other sources information, related by means of hypothesis that are re-evaluated throughout all the process (from the documentation to the intervention), can be of great significance.

Key words: anastylosis, context, detachement, fragment, stratigraphic analysis, surfaces, Umayyad Palace of Amman, virtuality.


R. Ballardini, E. Danzi

"Il progetto di ripristino/restauro del teatro "La Fenice" di Venezia: Il contributo dell’analisi stratigrafica come momento strutturale per la formazione."

This research deals with the project for the restoration/rebuilding of the theatre "La Fenice" in fenice. The matter of the reconstruction of the building offers an opportunity to reconsider the rule of stratigraphic analysis in the acquisition process of the elements related with the knowledge of the relationship between the "acustic machine" and the evolution of the structure. The Fenice was a very specialized structure for the representation of the italian opera of the XIX century; on the other hand we can read the remaining parts of the building as the testimony of a continuous work of transformation. This essay supports the idea that a reconstruction "how it was, where it was" must become the occasion to relate the history signed in the materials together with the realization of an efficient tecnological machine.

Key-words La Fenice - Venice - stratigraphy - project


A. Alberti, C. Di Francesco, C. Guarneri, M. Librenti, R. Fabbri, C. Cavicchi, B. Galante

S. Antonio in Polesine a Ferrara: una ricerca interdisciplinare."

The study deals with the 17th century extension, which is presently not in use, of the convent of S. Antonio in Polesine. It is one of the oldest convents in Ferrara and the only one which has been standing from middle ages to the present day. Prior to the final restoration project, interdisciplinary research has been conducted. The research, which includes metrical surveys, archaeological excavation, stratigraphic readings of the walls and a critical survey of the historical and archival documentation, aims at gathering the missing information on the changes which the building has undergone over the years and at evaluating the compatibility of "reusing" the building as a centre to preserve and study the middle aged archaeological material coming from the city escavations. The use destination favours the knowledge and the understanding of the composition, distributive and development principles of the building in relation with the still existing convent part and with the city environment. This would make it possible to "restore" the architectural system in compliance with its "vocations", thus avoiding that the necessary functional adjustments would prevail over the historical sedimentations of the existing structure.

Key-words: S. Antonio in Polesine – middle age – reuse - compatibility of use destination – stratigraphic archaeology – archival research


C. Di Francesco, F. Bevilacqua, D. Pinna, G.C. Grillini, A. Tucci

"Dati storico-materiali ed orientamenti progettuali per il restauro dell’atrio di Pomposa."

The atrium of Pomposa church has been built in the first half of XI century.

Its characterized by brick fascias with relief decorations, by sculptures with symbolic animals and open-worked pluteus. The central part was rebuilt and fully integrated with a restoration in year 1928.

In northern Italy, this atrium should be considered completely original work of pre-romanic architecture; unfortunately it hasn’t the external covering and the coloring of decorations anymore.

This article describes the results of investigations on materials, finishings, degrade (particularly on degrade due to biological agents), There will be a restoration based on historical and critical considerations, which this article discuss about too.

The aim of the coming restorations is to keep the actual aspect of the front, as it’s by now fixed by history.

Key words: Pomposa, Atrium, Biological Degrade, Brick, Conservation, Rrestoration.


R. Parenti, A. Sbardellati

"La sperimentazione di tecniche di rilievo fotografico per la ricostruzione del processo di degrado di un manufatto architettonico."

In the Sienese countryside, an architectural complex of medieval origin, partially collapsed, has been the subject of an experiment with computerized techniques for virtually reconstructing the missing material, using "historical" photographic images (created in earlier times for completely different purposes).

An orthogonalized photomosaic of the structure, produced with commercially-available software, has proven vital for reconstructing the process of its deterioration (part of its building- life chronology), assessing the compatibility of materials to be employed in the next restoration project, and proposing solutions for reconstituting the structural scheme of the architectural complex. The latter is in fact composed of rather heterogeneous materials (raw and fired bricks, small stones, wood, etc.) which until now have hardly been taken into consideration.

Key words: architectural survey, digital orthogonalization, deterioration process, restoration projects.


G. Rizzo, B. Pizzo

"Compatibilità, durabilità e reversibilità negli interventi di restauro di strutture lignee."

In this paper different approaches to restoration of degraded wooden, structures are discussed with reference to the modifications produced in the whole system. Even if the design preserves the original elements repairing them in situ, this is achieved by introducing new materials, such as epoxy resins, in order to fill cavities or glue prostheses to sound wood.

Aim of this work is to answer some questions about the reliability of such procedure in terms of compatibility, durability and reversibility. Two guidelines are indicated as the most effective for this purpose: i) focusing the attention on laboratory tests relevant for characterization of both short and long term behavior of wood-resin system: ii) monitoring of monuments where resins were introduced in the past, in order to obtain further suggestions about the optimal operating conditions of the whole structure, as the restoration design passes over the simple question of the choice of best materials.

Key words: wood, restoration, epoxy resin, compatibiiity, durability, reversibility


M.M.Segarra Lagunes

"Conoscenza interpretazione progetto di restauro."

Non disponibile


S. Gizzi

"Differenze e analogie tra progetto di restauro archeologico e progetto di restauro architettonico."

Non disponibile


B.P. Torsello

"Restauro e progetto."

Il progetto di restauro ha origini nelle medesime radici metodologiche e tecniche che caratterizzano il progetto architettonico, ma se ne differenzia per i presupposti problematici da cui prende le mosse, per la peculiarità dei mezzi tecnici impiegati e, soprattutto, per i risultati che persegue. Si tratta di considerazioni in certo senso scontate, ma che alla luce di un analisi ravvicinata rivelano la vera natura delle contraddizioni e delle conflittualità che oggi segnano il dibattito teorico della conservazione. Il <bersaglio> del progetto costituisce infatti il punto nodale che da senso e validità alle operazioni tecniche, consentendo di orientare la discussione in base alla coerenza tra fini dichiarati, risultati progettuali e mezzi tecnici impiegati. Senza una riflessione sulla questione dei fini, le stesse tesi sulla conservazione rischiano di risultare astratte e poco credibili.


A.M. Reggiani, S. Gizzi

"Progetto di restauro archeologico e compatibilità con nuovi usi."

Non dipsonibile


C. Scarano Argirò, G. Socrate, G. Driussi

"L’importanza del programma conoscitivo all’interno della stessa fase progettuale. Dalla teoria al caso specifico: il restauro degli affreschi di Altichiero da Zevio nella Cappella di S. Giacomo nella Basilica Antoniana di Padova."

The restoration work of the paintings by Altichiero da Zevio - which is being done in the Chapel of S. Giacomo of the Basilica of S. Antonio in Padua - gives us the opportunity to think about the importance and the broadness of the planning stage. This is a complex stage that includes a portion of "acknowledgement", in other words all of the researches, studies and investigations that are needed to achieve a thorough knowledge of the work of art at issue, of the history of its preservation, of the materials used, and of the forms of alteration and decay it suffered. The examination of this first survey leads us to highlight some specific problems, which will be later explored in depth with specific researches and analysis.

Integral parts of the planning stage are the trials and tests, which lead to a formulation as accurate as possible of the more appropriate intervention methods.

The above mentioned different stages of planning and acknowledgement are here produced considering the specific case of the Chapel of S. Giacomo; its restoration, in fact, bas been preceded by a long planning stage.

Key-word: project, diagnostic analyses, Knowledge, Padua.


G. Biscontin, E. Zendri

"Aspetti interdisciplinari e formativi nel progetto di restauro."

Key words: progetto, conservazione, interdisciplinarietà, formazione


S. Alberti, G. Biscontin, G. Driussi

"Il problema del colore nel progetto di restauro del prospetto del Duomo di Catania."

The discussion about a project of the restauration of Catania’s Cathedral needs a meditation on the co1our’ impact in the baroque architecture.

Cleaning operations become very difficult, in order to determinate the level of the cleaning itself. It is necessary to consider many aspects: technical (methods, instruments, durability) and cultural (criteria, impact, ecc.) for to establish the treatment most correct.

KEY-WORDS: Project, Conservation, Colour, Cleaning, Catania, Cathedral,


S. Segarra Lagunes

"Uso manutenzione conservazione: due casi a Città del Messico."

Non disponibile


E. Brovelli, S. Brun, L. Carassale, S. Lagomarsino, A. Lemme, I. Patrignani, S.Podestà, G. Stagno

"Imparare dal terremoto per progettare il restauro delle chiese."

This paper describes the new methodology used to assess the seismic damage in the churches of Umbria and Marche, which is based on 16 indicators, each one representative of a possible collapse mechanism for a macroelement. The subdivision of the church in macroelements consists in the -identification of architectonic elements characterised by a proper seismic behaviour, almost independently by the rest of the structure (facade, apse, cupola, bell tower, etc,). For each macroelement, considering its typology and the connection to the rest of the church, it is possible to individualise the damage modes and the collapse mechanisms. For each one of the 16 mechanisms considered in the form, the technician must indicate: a) the actual macroelements; b) the damage level (0: no damage, 1: light damage, 2: mechanism clearly evident, 3: severe damage, also with partial or complete collapse); c) the vulnerability of the church to that mechanism, related to some specific details of the construction. These data allow the definition of a damage index, which is a number between 0 and 1 obtained as a normalized mean of the damage values in the indicators. The analysis of the collected data (more then 1000 churches in Umbria) will allow the definition of the correlation between the macroseismic intensity and the damage. This data base will be an useful tool in learning from this earthquake for the design of rehabilitation of the damaged churches.

KEY-WORDS Seismic vulnerability, damage assessment, post-earthquake emergency, aseismic rehabilitation


L. Cessari, C. Bacigalupo, G. Fangi

"Monitoraggio geometrico ed integrazioni di tecniche fotogrammetriche per l’approfondimento del processo conoscitivo degli edifici storici."

The scientific field in which this paper can be included is remote sensing applied to the analysis of historical buildings. The operative sector is that of architectural survey, at present carried out by using several measuring techniques, both direct and indirect, and photogrammetic ones. The method tested deals with 3-D measurement of architectural items using laser scanning combined with adequate processing software.

The goal is of solving precision problems, survey and processing speed of geometric data in order to give out a morphologic monitoring of architectural structures. By using the principle of laser beam modulation for distance measurement, and optical measurement to get angles codified, it s possible, to some extent, to scan punctually the elevation of buildings. In the present case, the processing of geodetic data and their integration with the photogrammetric survey were performed in a only Cartesian reference system, by creating a 3-D picture of the building investigated.

Our method was applied to the study of single or double dome roofing, whose geometric shapes and structural deformations were surveyed. The case-study is the double dome of the Gur-i Amir mausoleum in Samarqand.

Key words: documentation plan, architectonic survey, monitoring, laser, dome.